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  1. Wow, thank you for all the replies. For those who said to message in world, I will when I get back on, ended up sick so been off since posted.
  2. hey, can add me if you want and can hang out. still new myself. ayden reigns inworld
  3. Anything to do with music basically intrests me, philosophy and art as well. Also like books and poetry but not sure how much of either is in second life. Yeah.... I'm kind of a nerd lol.
  4. I will tonight when I'm on, thank you
  5. Hey there, Just started second life about a week ago, still kind of trying to find somewhere I fit. Joined to help get over a bit of a social phobia, and would like to make some friends/family. Any suggestions? I'm really shy with people at first in all honesty, once the ice is broken though I'm fine. ayden reigns inworld
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