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Posts posted by ferrarifan

  1. Today i was told i will be reported for ban evasion for being in a group that i was supposedly banned from yet i didn't know i was banned from it. The group was known as cuppycake collective and the group i was banned from is care free daycare. Does bann evasion term apply to just when you create an account after being banned from secondlife or does it go to groups you were banned from as well? Please answer A.S.A.P. i think the person that said that and ejected me from the group is abusing her power.
  2. i have a friend that was recently banned from sl but not of his own accord.  the accusation was ageplay but he presented me with evidence that points otherwise and testimone that it wasn't his choice.  he has shown me pics of the stuff used.  one pic had a menu up above a table that said capture on it.  is there any way to get the person unbanned if i can present evidence of entrapment?

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