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Everything posted by annejonsson

  1. Thanks everyone, after relogin, i can see avatars even 3000 m far, not all though. Don't know what was that...
  2. So is there anything in settings, i should pay attention at, to see them from at least 200 m? Or is it just because my computer/graphic card is too weak for that?
  3. Hello everyone! I have a question. I have my Draw Distance in Firestorm set to 1024. If i even click on some avatars on my radar that are 3000 m away, it cams there and i can see the buildings, objects, but don't see avatars unless i am about 100 - 130 m near the avatar. So when i am about 200 m away and cam someone, camera moves there and i see the buildings and objects, but i don't see avatars at all. Is it normal or can i change something in settings to make it work?
  4. Hello! I am not very good in LSL, going to create an ID card that will display a profile picture and a name of the one who wears it. Anyone knows any scripts that i could use? For example how to get a profile picture and a name of the wearer.. Or maybe someone can help? Thank you.
  5. Hello! I am not very good in LSL, going to create an ID card that will display a profile picture and a name of the one who wears it. Anyone knows any scripts that i could use? For example how to get a profile picture and a name of the wearer.. Or maybe someone can help? Thank you.
  6. Thanks for your advices.. My parcel is way bigger then 128 it's 1024, and btw, i noticed that in search traffic in my old place hasn't changed for days, in search it still shows 1768, while it is already about 800 in real. And also when i search for avatar names, it doesn't find them unless i click "people", however it did before... Maybe there are some issues with SL search...
  7. I checked the "Show in search for 30L" option already about 4 days ago, but still nothing. It is strange, my previous place appeared in search on the next day.. Anyone has any ideas, what can i do to resolve this issue? Or maybe happened to anyone? Posted this in questions, but it was deleted don't know why...
  8. Yeah, i know they are sold, was just asking experienced people, who uses that. And thank you Tamara, i think i will get that one:)
  9. Can anyone advise something that would do this: Send a notice or somehow else report to everyone who i set, or just to everyone in a group, when someone arrives at my parcel. I need all my online staff members to be reported when a visitor arrives at my place, so that they can go and meet him. I have one thing like this, but it only reports me (the owner), i need it to report to all my staff members. Thank you.
  10. Just opened a new prison for everyone who is interested in that kind of RP. It's a small maximum security realistic prison RP. We try to control the quality of role-players by demanding an application forms from prisoners. Now i am looking for like-minded people to make friends and to run a prison together. We need people for: -management, hiring new staff, managing prisoners DataBase, maybe even co-owning and making prison bigger. -brining to prison new ideas, interesting thoughts about how to make it better. -any kind of staff for RP fun: ---Warden, Guard to look after prisoners, cuff them, punish them, whatever+to arrest new prisoners. ---Justice staff (Judge, Lawyer). To RP cases in a court room. ---Medical staff to watch after prisoners health, including mental. ---+We are opened for new roles ideas. The most important thing is quality and fun RP :) So everyone who likes these ideas are welcome to write here in the topic or maybe even better find me in world and ask anything that you are interested in. I also can give you a tour inside prison first. Just write me.
  11. Everyone can:) just IM me Inworld and we willl have to meet The only rule is 30 days old Avatar.
  12. We need guards for our new prison RP. You will start as a sergeant. You will proceed new prisoners, look after them, handcuff them, punish them and so on, you know..:) If you are interested in this kind of fun, IM me in SL..
  13. Looking for someone, who can do good clothes and objects. We need a full perm police uniform, with utility belt (cuffs, gun etc.). Can be two separate people (who can make clothes and who can make a utility belt). Contact me.
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