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Posts posted by Paratrex

  1. Well wasn't it the FS team that collected information from Emerald. The point of my whole post was to get people talking about privacy and it worked. I wanted to read people opinions on the Snowden leaks and what they thought of their privacy being invaded. Sadly there are many that don't seem to care and I like you will never understand that.  It's almost like when the government tells them to bend over they do.

    These are the low information voters, the politically ignorant, the GED graduates; you get my point.  I find it funny that most of North Africa stood up to their oppressive regimes but us Americans just sit back sedated by the brainwashing box and brainless reality shows.  I don't'  blame the world for looking down on us sometimes because our education system sucks. We are falling way behind in math and science. I thank god for the ones who immigrant here to fill the positions that our people can't.

  2. Well I know who you work for.  If you don't' have the IT knowledge to lock down your PC, Network, and Smartphone and yes these tools do work.  You have to use tons of them in conjunction with each other but people smarter than me, you, and the NSA know they work. So when that big bad super snoop computer is created the smart ones won't be sweating it for very long.

    Hi NSA,

    How are you guys? These forums are boring.  Just go out and take a cig break.  I know some great restaurants in town, maybe we can put together a happy hour of sorts to give you guys a break from all the wack jobs on SL and PalTalk.

  3. Lepre,

    Keep playing your stupid game. I'm so glad I got out of Second Life.  It's your privacy a**hole.  If you don't' value it I could care less. I do and so do millions of other people.  I know your LIB agenda. 

    You think people won't find a away around there special computer quantum computer? This is the government we are talking about. The one who spent millions of dollars in a span of 3 years on the Ohs*tto care website that barely works and you telling me with all the smart people out there ,some way smarter than the NSA, won't find a way to get around it

    Wow.  I love your apathy and ignorance and that's why I quit the game.

  4. I mean dam* you can even protect your privacy , with some work of course, by jailbreaking your iPhone and using the appropriate apps from Cydia that can protect a lot.  Maybe not everything but its more private then it was before.  Same goes for Android phones.  I do not have an Android phone but I'm sure if you Root (maybe you don't have to Root) the phone and use the appropriate apps your privacy goes up.

  5. Then spread out your entire life from birth to death on the Internet. That's your choice. I respect that you think people care about your Starbucks coffee enema post on facebook but most people don't give a s***. 

    It's your naive notion that your presence on this planet is so important on a little planet in a Galaxy of millions that posting on Facebook makes you more important. People are to busy with their own lives , working, raising families, etc. to get rapped up in people's BS on Facebook. On Facebook sometimes your so called friends show their true colors behind that computer screen don't they.

  6. Then if you don't have any privacy on this game with the NSA then why the heck do you play the stupid thing unless your making money off of it?  I bet you have Facebook and Twitter too. Let me guess you use Skype which is about as open as it gets. Let me guess also that you use Google to search. 

    There are many many ways to protect yourself on the Internet. Yes, it's a lot of work but people don't respect their own privacy which goes way over my head.

    Maybe this will help you.


  7. TSL isn't encryption. How is that?

    Then what hec is this.


    "Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols which are designed to provide communication security over the Internet.[1] They use X.509 certificates and hence asymmetric cryptography to assure the counterparty whom they are talking with, and to exchange a symmetric key. This session key is then used to encrypt data flowing between the parties. This allows for data/message confidentiality, and message authentication codes for message integrity and as a by-product message authentication. Several versions of the protocols are in widespread use in applications such as web browsing, electronic mail, Internet faxing, instant messaging, and voice-over-IP (VoIP). An important property in this context is forward secrecy, so the short term session key cannot be derived from the long term asymmetric secret key.[2]"



    The key here being  "This session key is then used to encrypt data flowing between the parties. This allows for data/message confidentiality, and message authentication codes for message integrity and as a by-product message authentication."


    So Dillon explain this to me further. I'd would love to hear your knowledge of the subject. 

  8. Remember when LL tried to implement XMPP.  Easy, XMPP is encrypted.  Now with the leak about the NSA it all makes sense.  They can't read your chat.  In Snowdens words " encryption works" 



    XMPP servers can be isolated from the public XMPP network (e.g., on a company intranet), and strong security (via SASL and TLS) has been built into the core XMPP specifications."
  9. Lovely little web page.  You mean the page were people with terminally ill people in their family have been canceled? Really!! It's not relevant!! You better get on your knees and pray yours doesn't get cancelled and that you are lucky enough to have a healthy family.  It's 1/5 of our economy ahole.

    Prove to me with your wonderful secret sources that 13.2% is fluffed. You won't be able too.  Your living under a rock.  ACA is a total catastrophe and I bet your one of Libs who believed "If you like your plan and you doctor you can keep them".  A grown man/woman who can't tell when someone lies to them then lies over top of lies. I love it. In such incredible denial it makes an alcoholic in denial seem like a mere inconvenience.

  10. You obviously haven't watched it. No conspiracy about Americans suffering under a Marxist. No conspiracy that more Americans are on Food Stamps then anytime in history. No conspiracy that millions of people's health care is being cancelled because of O**bleep**to Care. www.mycancellation.com is just the people who posted their letters. And again there is no conspiracy with an unemployment figure that's right in front of your face.  We are at 13.2% and most likely even higher. Stop worry about us and worry about your own country until we stop sending Foreign Aid to your country of course.

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