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  1. inKLine Media & SL Business Review are seeking reliable staff to fill the following positions. Hours are flexible. We're open to all avi identities. inKLine Media is a publishing and multimedia company based in Second Life since February 2011. SL Business Review magazine is its cornerstone publication. Writers Needed SL Business Review magazine is looking for writers/reporters to cover businesses across any and every industry in Second Life. Writers will be responsible for reporting one 300 to 500 word article and a minimum of 3 accompanying pictures per month for the monthly in-world edition. We also strongly encourage our writers to contribute to our web-site at inKLineMedia.wordpress.com as frequently as possible. No writing experience necessary, but certainly welcome. Freelance submissions are also welcome. If you're interested, please contact Giselle (starshiptrooper Resident) to set up an interview. Marketing, Advertising and Sales Staff Needed We need dedicated sales and marketing people to help us grow. inKLine Media, a rapidly growing media company and its cornerstone publication, SL Business Review are looking for enthusiastic people to join our successful team. Writing experience is a plus. WEEKLY MEETINGS ARE A MUST. No 'formal' education required, but professional attitude is. All forms of 'players' are encouraged to apply, as we try to embrace the true meaning of 'diversity' in Second Life. Cold calls are the norm, as this is a 'sales' position. There will be other assignments given as the need arises, or if you have an interest you would like to write about. This is a commission-based salary for a trial period, but a weekly salary will be considered for truly demonstrate their potential. Contact starshiptrooper Resident to request an interview. Graphic Designers Needed (FREELANCE) We're looking for freelance graphic designers to help lay out our magazine and occasional assignments. Experience is absolutely necessary. Must have experience with and access to Adobe Creative Suite (Indesign, Photoshop, etc) or something similar such as Quark and Gimp. Other open source program users are also welcome. Please contact starshiptrooper Resident to set-up and interview. To learn more about our company, visit inKLineMedia.wordpress.com.
  2. A few people have told me horror stories of losing large chunks of their inventory recently? Someone mentioned it could be due to Asset Server Issues? Has this happened to anyone else? Can someone explain? Thanks
  3. As one of the people who took the initiative on this poll, I want to commend Heavenly Villa for her work and diligence. I'd like to point out--in response to one comment--that this poll was NOT conducted for commercial purposes, nor was it conducted on behalf of LL, SL or any other organization besides the Centre for Business Development (which is a non-profit entity). In putting together this poll, I expected and welcomed some criticism of it. All polls receive criticism--even those conducted scientifically. Let's be clear. This is not a scientific poll, nor was it ever purported to be. Upon reading the initial findings, Heavenly and I discussed out some of the flaws in the poll. Specifically, we were concerned that this did not represent a large enough cross-section of the SL community. In regards to some of the comments on the YES or NO questions. The fact that the sum does not equal 100% is completely valid. My thought is not that some people misunderstood the question, but that the question did not apply to them. Meaning, the may not be a creator at all. So they don't sell inworld OR/AND Marketplace. Perhaps a third choice was needed in this case and I thank you for pointing that out. With that said, I believe there is some valuable information in these results that may be useful to business owners in SL or LL itself if they were so open to looking at them. (I may open a can of canibalistic worms with that one....) Heavenly's response was not meant in the regard of not needing anyone who posted on this thread. Quite the contrary, we welcome constructive criticism from the community, but we're hoping, I believe quite justifiably, not to be attacked. (And I'm not saying anyone here did that). The reason why we took on this initiative is because we had questions about the SL community and their perceptions. This poll was the first step in that process. Moving forward, I believe the concerns mentioned here will be invaluable in guiding us as we move forward.
  4. Attention writers, reporters and journalists! SL Business Review is looking for writers/reporters to cover the virtual economy and businesses across any and every industry in Second Life. Writers will be responsible for reporting one 300 word article (500 words for features) per week for the blog. We also publish an in-world edition monthly. We offer a rate of 1L per word (based on publication). Photos are required for each story. If you’re interested, please contact Bill Kaye (bk99 Resident) to set up an interview.
  5. Sorry all. Didn't realize my message had gotten cut off. This week we started with basics: -For our newcomers, we explained the difference between the LL business model and the virtual economy. -We talked about what industries in SL are the most dominant--clearly real estate and fashion are two of the heavy hitters. But from a money-making perspective, real estate is said to be slow right now. Plus it runs a great investment risk. Considering the widely reported private region losses, this may be an unappealing market at the moment. On the flip side, land prices are supposedly down right? Though we didn't touch on this at the time, I would like to have discussed what type of influence the finance sector plays in today's SL economy. When banking was outlawed, many heavy investors withdrew, shrinking the economy. The finance sector does still exist, though obviously not in the form it once did. What role does it play now? --For our newcomers, I mentioned that even though scripting doesn't easily classify as an industry so much as a trade or craft, it is possibly the best way to make money with the least amount of risk and overhead. Correct me if I'm wrong on this. Or any of the above for that matter.
  6. Thank you both for the response. There was a small turnout since it was the first meet, but this event will take place every week. To attract more people, I will post in some of these groups at the discretion of the group owner to avoid spamming. If any one has a group or a friend that they would like to relay the message, please do. Of course, there's no way we can ever contain exchange that should take place about business life in SL to a two hour event. People have RL schedules. When they're in-world, especially as a business owner, they may not have the luxury of time. So I say why not do both? Let's keep the discussion alive here. And I'll try my best to relay what is talked about in each meeting. And to advance the discussion, I'll bring what we learn here to the meetings. Maybe we'll host more if there's an interest. All I ask, is to remain civil in debate. -We tried to ask the point-blank question people resist asking: what's the best
  7. Thanks Darrius. I did consider that. You're right. I was concerned that it may be perceived as spam. I've reached out to some group moderators to ask their permission first. Since this is our first meeting, hopefully the intent of the discussion will not be perceived as such in the future. This discussion is designed as a genuine attempt to spark discussions about the SL community.
  8. Sunday Business Roundtable Discussion- 6:00 to 8:00 PM SLT Exchanging ideas about business life in the Second Life. What are the ingredients for a successful business in SL? Is it still possible? What markets are hot? What markets are struggling? And how do we know all of this? Hosted by SLBR Editor Bill Kaye Come chat at The Beanery. If you can't make it, we encourage you to post here.
  9. inKLine Media and its cornerstone magazine, SL Business Review, is seeking an experienced business manager to promote our products and services, sell advertising space for our magazine and web-site and solicit accounts for our publishing and design services. For more information about our company, our services and our magazine, please visit inKLineMedia.wordpress.com. To apply, please contact Bill Kaye (bk99 resident)
  10. Attention WRITERS! SL Business Review is looking for writers/reporters to cover businesses across any and every industry in Second Life. Writers will be responsible for reporting one 300 word article (500 words for features) per week for the blog. We also publish an in-world edition monthly. Photos are required for each story. No writing experience necessary. Freelance submissions are welcome. If you're interested, please contact Bill Kaye (bk99 Resident) to set up an interview. Vivendo (218,165,21)
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