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Judy Chestnut

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Posts posted by Judy Chestnut

  1. Hi all,

    I am looking for:

    Mesh artist
    Mesh texture artist
    Character texture artist

    the theme of the items would be medieval.

    If you are interested, please contact Judy Chestnut in SL with a link to your portfolio or slurl to work you have done in SL.


  2. Sure Ziggy, I would have listed these earlier but I didn't get a notification that there were any posts here.  I'm sure you were already aware that the Dwarfins are not the only non animal that would fit in the breedable category. As more imagination comes to play in the games and creations I'm sure there will be more to follow. These are the ones that I am aware of:





    I don't believe I clouded anything, it was a suggestion that I put forth with no hidden agenda and only a request for fairness.


  3. Currently the only category that a breedable product can be placed in is Animals --> Breedable Pets. At the time of writing this post, there are 17,844 items listed under the sub category of breedable pets.  There are a couple of problems with this:

    1.  Breedables is now a large enough market to warrant it's own main category, as there a quite a few main categories that have significantly less than 17,000 items posted in them.

    2. Not all breedables are animals or would necessarily be even considered pets.

    3. All different types of items are clumped together under this category so you have to go through pages and pages to see everything.

    I would suggest the following category hierarchy:














  4. No, we don't need you to be breedable!

    We need you to beta test our breedable dwarfs.

    We are currently in alpha testing and getting close to beta testing and would like a very large group for stress testing.

    There is no cost or obligation to you, we just ask that you try them out, let us know if things aren't working properly and give us feedback on the game itself.

    If you would like to help us beta test or you would just like to keep up to date on how the Dwarfins are coming along, please join the Dwarfins group in Second Life.



  5. We are currently looking for a texture artist.  Our team currently consists of myself project manager (chief nagger), a scripter (guy who sits in the dark and mutters to himself) and an artist (about as laid back as you can be) who works in mesh/sculpts and textures. We have such a large amount of art required for the project that we are working on, that we were hoping to split the artwork still needed, into primwork (mesh/sculpts) and texture work.

    The product that we are working on is just about ready to release (Scripting is in testing phase, main primwork and some textures are completed, marketing plan is in place).

    Requirements for this role:

    -artistic ability
    -good understanding of how sculpts and mesh textures work, including texturing multiple faces.
    -ability to work with another artist
    -somewhere where we can see artwork you have done (does not have to be in SL)

    Requirements for this team:

    -willing to work as a team player (we make decisions as a team and discuss ideas as a team)
    -Will keep to time lines, not leave work until the last minute. (This may be SL, but this is a real business and we treat it as that)
    -Willing to meet on Skype.
    -Signing a non disclosure agreement.

    This is a real business and we are serious about it, but we have fun with it too, and are hoping that whoever decides to join us has a good sense of humour. (You don't have to be funny, just laugh at our jokes).

    If this sounds like something that you would be interested in being a part of, please email me at chestnut.judy@gmail.com with a link or landmark to where I can see your artwork and any other information that you would like to include.

    Thanks very much for taking the time to read this.


    Judy Chestnut

    P.S. I realize that I have given you no information about what the product that we are working on is, all will be revealed after the non disclosure agreement is signed, but before you make the decision whether or not to join us.

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