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  1. This is whats going on I was in a bloodlines vampire group and they have started unessarry drama all cause i wouldnt be called a **bleep**ot inside of there chats or on open mic infront of everyone from there royal line. Untop of that someone I was dating in the group gave out all my personal info my phone number and all diffrent things I have been sitting here and had to pay 200 dollars into changing my phone number now on my block list i have over 40 people that just i blocked and muted but they keep making alts to harrass me. Then when I go to report it its ignored. I dont even talk to any of these people and they fallow me from clan to clan that I go to causing problems. This clan really is causing alot of issues and apparently they did the same thing to people before me and what really gets to me Is they use people for there lidnens they tell people to help pitch in and then they sit there and they kick them cause your sick of it Now through out this time. I have had physical eveideance of the harrasment very brutal harrasment and real life threats. Like I know where were you live And this is your addy *** N. ***** street. and heres your number and they actually have said this to me. And I quote "Gay people Like you should never exist in real life or on sl You should give up now and just move on You should just die and I hope you get cancer and die. Now this is from the queen of the family. untop of that alot of the things they say they say on open mic. How is it that we can show any prove of verbal harrasment on Sl? Yes I know you can ignore it but how can you ignore people who constantly are changing there names to cause problems I really think that sl should give people the right to block people by there ips not just screen names cause no offence but this is insain. People like me came on here to be accpeted at a place thats suppose to be our world not be stalked harrassed and fallowed. I am sorry but theres a huge diffrence between pity drama and big drama but last time i checked giving out real life infomation and sitting there causing drama. Lieing to people and spreading notices saying they should report me there whole clan should for make up reports. I even have the notice of them saying that. I would really like something done about this cause this is just becomming insain. Yes lession learned never to give out perosnal info but that still dosent make it alright. And this is also seeming to have to press getting the real life police and law involved.
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