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Gromlok Landar

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Posts posted by Gromlok Landar

  1. Ok, I have decided to go one step higher in my mesh design and have figured out how to multi sub object a 3d model in 3ds Max and apply for example 5 material id's to the sub objects selected.

    Here's my question:  Once each part of a 3d model is multi sub objected for example having 5 different textures applied to one 3d model and setting the material id's for each, when do I UV map the model ? 

    Do I have to UV map each multi sub object area individually then take the UV map and go into photoshop to texture it ?

    Do I UV map the entire 3d model first then multi sub object the model afterwards or vice versa ?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you


  2. After 6 days of trying to figure out the problem, myself and another realized that the "Re-attempt to rez message" that keeps coming up is because the IRez time in the base script is set to 10, changing it to a higher number depending on how long it takes to rez the design ensures the design rezzes only ONCE.

    Problem Solved.


  3. I have been using Builder's Buddy for quite sometime now, only recently have I noticed a problem.  Builder's Buddy re-attempts rezzing sometimes several times and ends up rezzing two of my design, one exactly ontop of the other .  I have never seen this problem happen, I have used fresh designs while putting the component script in each linkset and still the same issue occurs.

    The Builder's Buddy Base Script is this version:

    // Builders' Buddy 1.10 (Base Script)
    // by Newfie Pendragon, 2006-2008

    The Component Script is this version:

    // Builders' Buddy 1.10 (Component Script)
    // by Newfie Pendragon, 2006-2008

    I'm out of solutions as I have been trying this for 6 straight days now repeatedly and on multiple sims and still the same problem.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Owner: Vortex Industry Designs

  4. Well the model isnt complex at all, its just an outer hull shape before I start doing intricately details designing inside the model itself.

    and I suppose the same applies when a uvw map doesnt place itself properly on a model as well, since I just had that happen and no I didnt touch the repeats, causes the texture to slide at only two specific areas on the edge face


  5. Hey Gang,

    Once again, I'm back looking for answers and using as much common sense as possible.  I uploaded a model, I made sure that it was exactly as I wanted it, once in SL though, seems theres 2 pieces missing for faces on the design, I can see right through it.  I went back into 3ds Max and verified that the faces are there and sure enough they are, I checked to see if the vertices were welded together and they are.

    Do I have to upload it again ?


  6. Have you tried scaling the scene up after import?

    Yes I have tried scaling it, it lands at 63.900 so it seems it is hard coded.  I'll scrap the design and start over with a new one, its the UVW unwrapping thats the problem, which is why if I detach my current model into 3 pieces or more to import to SL with each a separate binding box specifically for each piece, the uvw map wont work with the design anymore.

    Greatly appreciated for your efforts, just another thing to remember when doing 3d models and importing to SL.


  7. Kwakkelde... no offense but do you 3d Design at ALL ?

    Seems to me you don't since you excluded the one part of this whole design that MATTERS, the UVW Map and texturing in photoshop.  Who cares about the model design, thats the easy part, UVW Unwrapping, stitching, welding and arranging the uvw map then importing to photoshop and spending hundreds of hours texturing it properly and applying it to the 3d model then making changes to it.


  8. The only area in the .dae file is this : <unit meter="0.025400", I doubt that increasing this amount will in any way alter the size of the design when importing to SL as it seems it would be hard coded somewhere that all designs imported are automatically reduced to 64 m size irregardless of how large the model is.


  9. Hey Gang,

    I'm trying to import a mesh design from 3ds Max that is 171 m long, however it seems that Second Life is reducing my mesh build to 64 m, I have spent 9 days designing, uvw unwrapping, texturing and creating the binding box for it.  Am I to say that SL has a limitation to the maximum size of 64 m as well  when importing mesh models ?


  10. I made the attempt, made a simple doorway with 24 vertices, made the bounding box shape to the doorway a little larger than the actual doorway, chose solid, retain 84% of the design, also chose above LOD, imported to SL, tried to walk through it, unsuccessful.


    P.S. Should I be selecting Wrap or surface instead of Solid ?

  11. One of the most difficult things I have ever had to do in mesh when importing to SL is to make a doorway walkthrough where there's no binding box.  I definitely dont want to make the mesh archway then set it to phantom and then add SL prims inside the archway so that a person doesn't go through the entire pillars around the archway.

    Anyone know exactly the steps on doing such a beast or even point me in the right direction ?


  12. Many Thanks, I have taken the liberty of looking at that script, seems the main area of focus is Global Rot instead of Local Rot as Rolig mentioned previously but I am seeing the logic behind the script you put here.  I did figure out the Bounds Check Error, my HUD is now communicating on Channel 3611 as is the Chopper's Helmet, the Alpha works like a charm on mesh and I have been constantly testing it for the past 2 days now, haven't had a problem yet even under the most laggiest times (if Laggiest is such a word, if not we'll create that as a new word for now :)  ).  I will look at that script and attempt to make it work one way or the other.

    On another note, I have created the HUD which is quite generic at the moment though will go into Photoshop and make the buttons and HUD itself prettier (not really a guy word but oh well) and make it look authentic and original.  However I am looking for guidance as to where to find info on when a HUD button is pressed, it would light up When touched to signify that its in use or has been pressed.  I find that having two buttons for the same object a bit low end.  Example below:

    One button is to alpha the visor and one to make it re-appear, alter this so that one button for the visor is used, when its not pressed, the button is green and the visor is visible, pressing the button again on the HUD the button goes red, visor alpha's.

    Hope that made sense.  I am so new to scripting but I want to alter this HUD for the Chopper Helmet and my Super Comanche RAH-66E Helicopter HUD as well since both will be included as a package deal and the Helmet separately in case people don't want the Chopper itself.  


  13. Hey Welcome to my world, so I've come up with a different scenario, instead of making them physically move and rotate, simply setting it to Alpha works as well.  Though they are still there, it significantly easier to do and gets a similar result.

    I keep getting a bounds check error and it seems I did something that the LSL code isn't meant to do for some odd reason.

    Working on it and won't stop till it works.


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