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Everything posted by IWMII

  1. I mentioned in my question wrongly that objects have copies, but they are not copyable. Thanks
  2. Good afternoon. I went back to my objects that I rent my island of Zoha rental by the name of land parcel and found none of them in my inventory. Not even in objects lost and found in the folder where they were and not in the trash. I asked the manager of the rental back to the island for 24 hours and she told me she can not. Only those who can do something for me is the LL. Are objects in the copy and I overpaid. I'm very upset and disappointed. It is very annoying we can not do anything about the situation. If there is a spot on the tab name of the island, and has the objects return objects, because the objects of the individuals returned and my not being myself the owner of the parcel. I would like to get help from you guys. You guys can see that I'm always buying lindens for myself. I await contact you as soon as possible. I mentioned in my question wrongly that objects have copies, but they are not copyable. Thanks. Sincerely. IWMII
  3. I had an object rezzed inworld, but it disappeared and I can not find it. I lost one object in my island that I rent from Rental Zoha on the SL was doing maintenance. I went to the rental asking them rastreassem the object and they said I had to submit a ticket for Lindenlabs. I made this ticket but got no response so far. When I threw the box on the floor to open and she appeared not returned to the inventory. I searched all folders, including trash and found / lost and anything it finds. The object name is: 01/03/2013 14:30:58 a1473c10 Destino: Klint Clowes Payment Região: Autos Descrição: Altar Angelical L$999 Location is: Greenfield 97,100,22 I await contact response to know what I do to recover this object. Thank you, hugs. IWMII
  4. Bom dia. Sou brasileira e venho tentando há dias adicionar meus dois cartões de crédito no Linden Lab. Liguei para o suporte telefônico e não encontrei brasileiro disponível. Falei com o americano e ele disse q eu teria q postar aqui.Meus dois cartões de crédito Itaucard e Mastercard são Internacional. Marta (IWMII id SL)
  5. I send a message for her telling about this problem but she not replay me yet. I didnt find this product in the trash, i seach at all inventory and nothig. I'm a fill bored coz i'm new account on SL and i dont know what more i can do to retrieve that. I still waiting to her answer.
  6. I am newbie in Second Life and today I bought an avatar name: Zyra BREEZE-Complete Avatar -Sold by Lola Qissentell and I deleted it without knowing. How do I retrieve this product? I've looked for it in objects and in all my inventory and it still fails. Please, I ask for help. thank you. Nina 75370783 L $ 350 recipients: IWMII
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