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Everything posted by SophiaGG

  1. I open my viewer....i have phoenix firestorm release version and Im on a macbook pro....then, i type in my pass. It loads and when I finally think i'm going to be logged in it opens but everything is grey and frozen and a little window pops up saying 'You have been logged out of Second Life. This region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the internet.' This has been happening for three days.I know my internet is fine because everything else works. I tried logging into my other account which i was able to log into just fine....and i tried to restart the firestorm and log in on a different part of the map but it doesn't work?? )=
  2. Okay, so earlier I went in to log into secondlife. I got to the login screen on my viewer but when I typed in my pass, it said:'unable to connect to the simulator'. I wasn't sure what that meant so I crossed out the viewer and reopened but then it crashed before even getting to the log in screen. I decided to restart my laptop which I did and then I tried opening the viewer again but repeatedly crashed over and over again. I decided to uninstall the phoenix firestorm viewer and reinstall it but it still kept crashing...finally i decided to wait a bit..........now it's still not working seven hours later???
  3. Got the same message, had to cross out my viewer and then after I crossed it out, reopened it....now, I click my firestorm icon and it crashes before it even opens to sign in repeatedly...I even tried to restart my laptop but kept crashing before sign in screen on the viewer. )=
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