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Lethal Vidor

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Posts posted by Lethal Vidor

  1. Peggy - I'm sorry to see that your paitience is so short. 

    There is this wonderful feature where you can look to see what your ping to the sim you are typically on is; it's called Statitstics. Under those statistics is a section called PING SIM. This number is almost always under 100. This is sufficient ping for any sim/server connection to a client. 

    As far as my connection, are you kidding me? My router is secured and password protected. I most CERTAINLY know who is on it. I am the only one that uses it. I've ran plenty of speed tests. The connection is fine and it is not contributing to a low FPS. In the past, I have ran other machines at this same location, on the same network. My FPS was fine.

    I have rebooted my router and modem several times in the past, and this hasn't fixed the frames per second issue.

    Thanks for assuming it's my connection, but I can assure you, it's not. 


  2. It's definitely not due to other people using the connection and I'm not wireless. I'm also not far from the SL servers as my ping is usually under 100. 

    When I put my graphics on low, it actually puts my FPS lower (which is odd). The scripts I'm wearing are very minimal.

  3. I'm running a 64-bit OS AMD Athlon 2 X4 processor with 12 gigs of ram, and an Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 550 TI. I can run just about any games including Battlefield 3 on Ultra High. The only game I get under 10 FPS is this game. So my question; why is my FPS so slow on Second Life? 

    I've spoken with other people who are running less gigs of ram, the same card, and get close to 100 frames per second. I've also ran different graphics booster programs like Games Booster and such. 

    Why does SL always run so slow FPS wise for me?

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