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Posts posted by Kade2648

  1. So I've looked into this, and most of the answers I see involve locking two objects together so they can be manipulated in the editor as one by pressing Ctrl+L. But I am curious if there is a way to create one object that can be selected in the inventory, made out of two pre-existing objects?

    Some context... I have a hair on my avi in a ponytail style, and I have a hat with space in the back to fit the ponytail through. With both objects, they clipped through each other and it looks rather ugly. So to work around this, I made a copy of the hair and edited the individual linked pieces to fit beneath the hat. Then I editted the individual pieces of the pony tail to be lower on the head to fit through the space. The end result looks fine and is exactly what I wanted to achieve. But now it's a hassle, as I have to swap out my avi's hair with an alternate, and then wear the hat as well. Basically it just becomes a process just to wear the hat without it looking sloppy. So I am curious if there is a way to merge the hair and the hat into one single object that I can equip.

    To clarify, both the hair and the hat were purchased off of the SL market, they are not created by me. The permissions allow for edits and copies.


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