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Everything posted by Paris1616

  1. Hi, I have a question and hope a Linden can answer. I would like to hold a poker game contest/sweepstakes where the winner will receive a free Americian Eagle tshirt. There will be no cost to play. So would this be premiited, I'm also in Canada if that helps. According to http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life Are legal promotional sweepstakes permitted? If you are conducting a genuine promotional sweepstakes, that complies with all applicable laws, and can demonstrate that compliance, that activity will likely be permitted. What if no Linden dollars or other "consideration" are accepted or paid out? If entry is truly "free" (as with a promotional sweepstakes), and the game's operator requires no "consideration" or payment from other players or entrants, then that activity will likely be permitted, assuming compliance with all other applicable laws. If the "payout" involves objects that are more akin to novelty objects that cannot readily be converted into Linden dollars, real-world currency or value, then that activity will likely be permitted.
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