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Everything posted by SIMGentleman

  1. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: Je croix sur NCI, y'avait des landmarks pour des francophones. Il y'avait un "Welcome center" pour des francophones aussi. Peut-etre il est inactif aussi, je n sais pas. Aussi, si on trouve un isle francophone, n'oubliez pas que on doit demander s'il y a des autres isles. En effet, on peut te donner des landmarks. Desole mon francais n'est pas bien, je suis americaine. Merci :smileyhappy:, je vais voir ça.
  2. a tu jeter un coup d'oeil dans le repertoire des objets ressu ( Received items )
  3. nice advice here,thank you people :smileyvery-happy:
  4. In this last days i met many people who they judge you and lell you that you are this and you are that,by just looking at your avatar look,or you profil and the age of your avatar and tell things about you even when you deny what they said,they countenu to be stubborn.
  5. Marigold Devin wrote: SIMGentleman wrote: Hello everybody:smileyvery-happy:,I'm just back to SL :smileysurprised:and my friends list it's empty:smileysad:,i can't stay like that:smileyfrustrated: ,it's terrible to be alone even for one second:smileyindifferent:,so i search friends, so if someone want to be my friend just add me or contact me inworld thank you:smileylol:. You can still feel very alone if you have 20 friends and they are all in the same room as you, unless you have the right friends around you. It might be useful to add a bit more to this thread, such as the type of things you are interested in. Do you like going to music clubs, lazing on the beach, sailing on the oceans, being led into new adventures? What things do you really hate, ie clingy women who expect you to rescue them from their dull middle-aged lives on a white charger (!), going to music clubs, lazing on the beach, sailing on the oceans, being led into new adventures? Keep your eye on the people on these forums, for example, go to your dashboard and click on the my.secondlife.com link (top middle of your dashboard) and see what is trending. You'll see photos of people having jolly good times all over the place. If you're a sociable bod you could tag along at some of their hangouts and undoubtedly pick up a fabulous friend or two. You could also just jog along the Linden highways in world and see if you get picked up by a friendly local gal in a delapidated truck ;-)   Thank you for the info :smileyhappy:
  6. Marigold Devin wrote: Tolya is that you? :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Nop,i'm not tolya :smileyindifferent:
  7. Merci pour ta réponse:smileyhappy:,mais j'ai deja essayer ça,mais ça n'a pas beaucoup aidé toutes les sim que j'ai trouver sont desertique et les groupes inactifs ,ya pas beaucoup de sim populaire,mais bon avant je restais sur des sim qui n'existe plus maintenant.je crois que je dois m'habituer au nouvelles sim:smileyhappy:.
  8. Thinkerer Melville wrote: Here are some suggestions on how to find people who share your interests How do I meet people? 2012 http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/04/kit-how-do-i-meet-people-2012.html TKR Thank you,but i don't need to know how to make friends,there is no tutorial to teach you the way to make friends,because every person has his own way to make friends and to talk to people,and it depends on the personality of each person because each person has its own and unique personlity. I need to know and to meet new people and make new friends that i didn't met before.not informations and tips to make that.
  9. Bonjour,je vien juste de revenir sur SL apres une longue absence,beaucoup de chose ont changé,et la je suis a la recherche de sim francophones ou les gens sont accueillant,ou il y a du monde,et aussi a la recherche de groupes de discussion et de recontre,si vous pouver m'aider merci,
  10. Hello everybody:smileyvery-happy:,I'm just back to SL :smileysurprised:and my friends list it's empty:smileysad:,i can't stay like that:smileyfrustrated: ,it's terrible to be alone even for one second:smileyindifferent:,so i search friends, so if someone want to be my friend just add me or contact me inworld thank you:smileylol:.
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