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  1. thanks darkie tried the revised script and it works ok .... what i was after it doing witht he timer tho was slightly different..... game length was going to be 30 secs long . and the max number of hits the target could take would be 10.. if someone only managed say 5 hits in that time then 5 would be the total score reflected in the score shouted. but cheers for the timer ill have a play with it ) llShout(-5870,"Your Score: "+"\n"+"yellow: "+(string)yellow+"\n"+"For a Total of "+(string)points+" Points");//say the scored points" Points");//say the scored points
  2. Hi all i have 5 objects all reporting on a different channel to an object rezzer each object is shootable, and can take a max number of hits before reporting its score to the rezzer that then speaks the reported text what i would like to do is to add a timer for 20secs shooting time that reports the amount of hits during that time if the max number of hits hasnt been reached. integer maxNumberOfHits = 10;//the maximum number of hits during gameplay the Target can take until the game will end // integer x = 0;//this is a 'toggle' that switches between TRUE (1) and FALSE (0) and is used to tell other parts of the script that the game has started and a specific function was triggered integer points = 0;//total amount of points earned during gameply integer yellow = 0;//amount of bullseyes hit during gameplay integer numberOfHits = 0;//total amount of times the target was hit during gameplay /////////////////////////////// integer main;//this is the name (integer) that represents the link number for the yellow (Target) say(string text)//just a cleaner looking way of calling 'llSay()' { llSay(0,text); } endGame() { llShout(-5870,"Your Score: "+"\n"+"yellow: "+(string)yellow+"\n"+"For a Total of "+(string)points+" Points");//say the scored points" Points");//say the scored points llSleep(1.0);//sleep for just a second in case other scripted events need to catch } reset()//reset common values. This function is called within the script to reset common values back to default { points = 0;//reset the amount of points scored yellow = 0;//reset how many bullseyes were hit during gameplay numberOfHits = 0;//reset the amount of overall times the Target was hit during gameplay } default { on_rez(integer p){ llResetScript(); } state_entry() { } collision(integer num_detected)//detect information about which part of the Target was hit during gameplay and then update values { integer hit = llDetectedLinkNumber(0);//the linked object number that was hit in the link set is labelled 'hit' if(hit == main)//if the link number that was hit matches the link number for the bullseye prim, then proceed.. { yellow += 1;//add a point to the amount of yellowtarget hit during gameplay points += 1;//add 10 points to the 'total points earned' during gameplay } numberOfHits += 1;//add a point to the amount of hits the Target has taken during gameplay if(numberOfHits >= 10)//if the Target has taken 20 hits during gameplay, then proceed to do the function 'endGame()' { endGame(); llSleep(5); llDie(); } } } any help would be greatly appreciated
  3. umm i'm new to scripting so doesnt surprise me there may be some oddities if i take away the else if (Toggle == TRUE) { Toggle= FALSE; llResetScript(); } } i can get it to start with touch but as soon as i put it back in i still get syntax error at the else if stage
  4. below is a script that's designed to move an object in a 5 meter square am trying to get it to start and stop on touch as soon as i hit save i get the syntax error message at line 27 integer Toggle = FALSE; default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { if (Toggle == FALSE) { Toggle= TRUE; llSetTimerEvent(5); } } timer() { llSleep(3.0); llSetPos(llGetPos()+<0,-5,0>); llSleep(3.0); llSetPos(llGetPos()+<5,0,0>); llSleep(3.0); llSetPos(llGetPos()+<0,5,0>); llSleep(3.0); llSetPos(llGetPos()+<-5,0,0>); } } else if (Toggle == TRUE) { Toggle= FALSE; llResetScript(); } } any help would be greatly appreciated
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