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Everything posted by Scottello

  1. Well guys I THINK I MAY HAVE FIXED MY CRASHING PROBLEM. And thanks to those who took the time out to write length pain-in-the-butt descriptions on how to fix it, AND How to EDIT My posts! A Challenger Appears!! God.. Dang it, Now my Avatar is Unbaked, I know how this happens and I tried some fixes, But rebaking (CTRL+ALT+R) Doesn't work, Changing avatars looks don't work, Editing my shape (Option is blacked out) Does not work, I see a round circle/oval around my character, It looks like a cloud with enchanced graphics. Any bright tips? Edit: Turns out I'm paying 30$/mo For a DSL/Wireless (I'm WIRED, My parents are NOT) Connection of 41ms Ping, 280Killabytes/S download and 51 Killabytes upload speed, (5/6 Megabytes in total, Plan). I'm guessing we need an Upderp?
  2. I don't get it, My connection to the internets is fine, My graphics are fine, My game runs smoothly, But all of a sudden my character stops moving and it says "Darn! You have been logged out of SecondLife!" My FPS Does not fluxuate, NOTHING Fluxuates, It stays normal and decent, I just randomly lose connection, I say again, My connection is perfectly fine, I have done the research and nothing is wrong with the router OR My connection. This happens on EVERY SERVER. Edit: Options > Edit does not let me add a reply or comment or anything, There is no "Edit" button. There is Edit Question at first but when a Reply is posted I think the option is removed. Edit 2: I am not trying to threaten anyone by saying anything about Premium. If all I wanted to AVOID That accusation, I'm clearly stating the obvious. P.S: I'm hoping to buy membership but I can't if I can't play the game. P.P.S: USE ENGLISH PLEASE! Cat5 Cat6 Router Doohicky Whatchamacallit, Really I'm not very savvy with this stuff. Use simplist terms please, And if you can, PM me so I don't have to keep making new questions.. Specs: (Just bought this desktop for around 800 Dollars so I hope it's good enough). Second Life 3.3.3 (260300) Jun 21 2012 14:14:25 (Second Life Release) Release Notes You are at (Insert Information Here) Second Life Server Error fetching server release notes URL. CPU: AMD A6-3620 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (2196.05 MHz) Memory: 7667 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6530D Graphics Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1094 OpenGL Version: 4.1.11079 Compatibility Profile Context libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Vivox 3.2.0002.10426 Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 0/1,471 (0.0%) ISP: Verizon Wireless. Plan: 4-6 Megabytes Per-Sec plan, 60$/mo. Note: I could play SL Fine years ago on a Laptop that ran a 4000 Model graphics card without crashing, It's probably SL Updating FAR after then but meh. Last Note: I guess that'll have to do, If anyone has any further information please PM me or post it here. Thanks!
  3. Alright, Since I can't find a REPLY Function on my questions my only hope is to post this, After 2 whole posts questioning my SecondLife connection I ~THINK~ I can safely assume I have a liable connection to SecondLife, The problem? I still get disconnected every few minutes, The I'm not sure the textures are suppose to render so slowly aswell, I have a below average-decent connection speed with Verizon Wireless as my ISP, My download speed of around 2.50 to 3.20 MBPs and an upload speed of around 0.51 MBPs with around a 45ms Ping. (Accorance to SpeedTest.net) I also have friends here and there saying.... Friend A: Verizon SUCKS! Friend B: Verizon is Decent! Friend C: Verizon is GREAT! Friend D: Get AT&T! Friend E: Get (Insert other ISP Here) With all these people going on and off, I have no clue what's the best for me! It's unbelieveably confusing, I feel like my parents.. Almost 100% clueless of what to do, and I'm ALWAYS On the computer! It's also 9/10 chance I'll have furthur questions about this, So if Someone can please Private Message me if you have the time to answer my questions, Thank you! Scott~.
  4. I'm running on a wireless connection (However my COMPUTER Is wired all the way to my modem), Do I need a better connection to play? Sorry if I'm providing Sh*t information, I'm not so sure how this works. BTW Slightly Unrelated Question, The higher the modem, the better the connection correct? I have my modem on the first floor desk (Well my PARENTS Insist it stay there) and my computer is on the second floor, I'm pretty sure routers work in an 'Umbrella' which my computer is WAY out of range out, maybe. Side note: So far my questions have been answered accurately, Kudos to you guys!~ Edit: Stats from Speedtest.net: Ping: 45 ms, Download Speed 2.58 mbps (Usually download at 3.28), and an Upload speed of 0.51 mbps (No idea why my upload speed is really bad, That's also why it takes HOURS For youtube videos to upload.. I also heard Verizon are horible ISP's).
  5. I'm playing the game, and I did troubleshooting research, my problem is that in random times in-game my character will refuse to move and I will lose connection, My stats are 44.0 to 45.0 SIM FPS, 44.0 to 45.0 Physics FPS, A time dialation of 0.999, 17.5 MB memory allocated, 0.000 Packet Loss, and 9500 to 10000msec for my PING Sim. With a steady stream of 25-40 FPS regularly, I'm getting very frusterated as this happens minutes after I start the game VIA Second Life(tm) Viewer, Any smart advice for me? This didn't happen years ago (Just made a new account due to my old one being derpy) but now I'm getting logged out here and there, I just want too play the game, I don't wanna quit it again. Edit: I have all of my Bandwidth allocated to the game (Around 10000 methinks).
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