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  1. I attempted to return items to my inventory. I clicked on "About Land", went to the 'Objects' tab and clicked on return. Most items came back. Several, very expensive items did not. Does it take time for some items to be returned? What is a reasonable time to wait? What do I do if the items never come back?
  2. I don't have a problem with being asked to join when I visit a place. If I decline and that is honored, then I am good. There is one behavior I do have a problem with, and this seems to becoming more and more common. Many entertainment venues will automatically opt me in just for visiting. I'm not a member of the group for that venue, and I haven't clicked on a subscribe thingy, but I get notices sent to me. My only recourse is to IM the sender and asked to be removed. Just last week. I received a notecard from a singer/club owner complaining that she was tired of all the angry notes and IMs she was getting about her notices. She admitted that she subscribed anyone who even visited her club. She was very self-righteous about doing so. I was receiving up to a dozen emails a day from her. I was not one of the angry people complaining to her. I simply sent an IM to her to stop and she did. But I just found it odd that she seemed to think she was justified in subscribing all visitors to her venue. Again, she did not ask visitors if they wanted to subscribe. She simply did so without any notice of doing so. This is becoming increasingly common. I'm not talking about getting an invite to join. I'm talking about being subscribed automatically without any chance to decline, or even know that I am being subscribed. Singers/artists often contstrue a tip during their performance to be sufficient cause for automatic subscription. I don't mind being asked to join their group or subscribe, but I do mind being subscribed automatically. I like to support artists who perform in SL, and the venues that host them, but my distaste for being automatically subscribed to lists is making me hesitant to do so.
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