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  1. I have a friend willing to do all teh coding and everything. In addition, i've already made more or less simplified shapes, but i make sure they closely conform to the original, but just enough to work.
  2. So, I actually thought about that, and made sure to represent each wheel with a 2d plane, modeled in just such a way that the cylindrical physics bounding box should fit perfectly on the wheel. It's highlighted in the left. I put this whole thing together in over a year or so of development, and intend to have it so that it can actually be entered, as it's part APC. What you're currently seeing is the cameras, joints, and links between each. There's over a hundred which had to be filled out and linked by hand. Think that the lower quality meshes will work?
  3. Screenshot It's a fully functional, multifeatured all terrain vehicle, which I've also stylized to a degree. Problem is, look at those statistics. I've made lower quality alpha prims which are literally just 2d objects used to shape the border boxes on non-essential things, like wheel cylinders. already, there's about 90 objects that comprise it, with hidden physics meshes in the second layer.
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