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Posts posted by JonathonAnthony

  1. On 8/30/2023 at 11:50 PM, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    ... IN Canada... And seems to be a Canadian company taking a "generic American term" and making it a trademark IN Canada, as a way of denigrating rival firms, "they are JUST estate agents, but WE are REALTORS!".

    However it seems "Realtor" is a generic term used in much of the USA.

    Just a correction: https://www.nar.realtor/about-nar#:~:text=About NAR&text=America's largest trade association%2C representing,and commercial real estate industries.

    To summarize if you're not interested in reading. The National Association of Realtors is a trade association where those in the property industry pay for membership and adhere to a code of conduct set forth by the association. So it's not quite "We are better than real estate agents", it's more "we're holding members accountable to this code of ethics."

    Realtor is a protected word in the US, as it's registered to the above organization. I doubt they will come after an SL group for using the term. I would think you'd need to be making substantially more than what's possible in SL for them to even care to sue. However, they are actively preventing the genericide of their brand. There's been rulings as recent as 2004 protecting the marks held by NAR. Source: https://ttabvue.uspto.gov/ttabvue/ttabvue-92032360-CAN-33.pdf

    In Canada, Realtor is protected by CREA, The Canadian Real Estate Association: https://www.crea.ca/who-we-are/mission/

    I would assume the two groups are related, but to operate in Canada, any business has to incorporate within Canada even if they have other incorporated businesses in other countries. Fun fact, that's why Blockbuster survived in Canada for a bit longer than the US, because it was literally its own company, and not subject to the closure of its US arm. It did also close, since their logistics and back end were really sourced from the US, though.

    Either way, so long as they're not using the trademarked logos, unless NAR or CREA are made aware, I doubt SL is even on their watch list.

  2. I've been in Second Life a long time now, and worked various clubs. If I had one suggestion to all of you posting jobs here, it's this:

    Put the shifts you're looking for in your post!

    I normally get jobs more by word of mouth than here mainly because digging through each listing only to discover your club is dead during the hours I can work is so pointless. Even some of the better postings here have the same failing, saying they need DJs but not when they need them.

    • Like 1
  3. Actually you aren't screwed, you did receive an email with support documents before you were premium. Likely the issue you were having was more advanced than the basic help entails. I did contact SL at one point with a problem and they did resolve it, and I was not premium at that time.

    Basically premium entitles you to a higher level of support. Instead of generic email answers, they will do further research and resolution for items that go beyond basic failures on LL's basic services. So no, free members are not screwed out of basic support, they are screwed if their issue goes beyond that.

  4. Actually...

    The real issue is that online sales in the US are, in fact, taxed. However, it was the responsibility of the purchaser to file the taxes. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/06/tech/web/internet-sales-tax

    To quote:

    Wait, aren't we required to pay sales tax already?

    In most states with sales taxes, people who buy goods online (or over the phone or through the mail) from another state are subject to a Use Tax. They are supposed to keep track of everything they purchase and pay sales taxes when they file their tax return. Many consumers either ignore or are not aware of these requirements, and states say it is difficult to enforce.

    So, whenever someone online, depending on state of course, purchased something and their state had a use tax, they were supposed to voluntarily pay the taxes. Now, physical retail outlets are sick of getting the shaft, and the US will soon try to nationalize some rules for the sales tax issue.

    Linden Labs never factored in any form of sales tax on its pricing... because there is no unified sales tax on anything. If they did, it would need to show as a line item on the receipt. Likely they did not charge at first (and others don't) because they are operating on the current US model for sales tax for internet goodds, IE that it's the user's responsibility to pay out that tax unless the home state for where the service is located is required to collect that tax.

    So yea, sucks that England already legislated taxation via internet, but that's the breaks. US is going to follow soon enough, but it will be interesting to see how as sales tax is state controlled...

  5. Can I just say that I love your ad?!?

    I've been scanning these forums to prep for a run about the clubs for extra gigs... And it's been FRUSTRATING to not know the basics (when the DJ's needed, where the club is so I can go see if I would enjoy working there, et cetera)

    Club owners, please look at this ad and just copy its style... makes my life SO much easier. I'm sure other DJs/Hosts/Dancers would agree.

  6. Here's a link out to the HTML version of the email.


    These are obviously NOT the starter homes that are offered now. The link used to lead to a style selector with a LOT more options (basic style of house, some additional options and arrangements), but now leads back to the Linden Homes site. However, the offer has expired: The promotion runs from 12:00 PM (PDT) April 19, 2012 and ends at 12:00 PM (PDT) May 18, 2012 and is subject to a limited availability of Starter Homes. After 15 days you decide whether you want to keep your home or not. If you do want to keep it you will need to pay for it pursuant to the applicable terms of service. If you don’t want to keep it or if you do nothing you won’t be billed for it.

    I assume that's why the link is now referring back. I wish I had said yes now, but I was already renting a wonderful 1/4 beach sim with my girl, and they did not list the pricing for these lots. They had a few styles (the images show what they offered), as well as just renting you an empty lot to rez a house in. I had thought the email was mass distributed...

  7. Oh Honey it's not hard to behave a certain way in text. You can go for the whole "mentor" thing, but just keep your distance from doing anything like giving away large amounts of L or gifting items that cost you. They could be playing you for free stuff. It could be a16 year old playing on your need to protect her, or could be some 40 something playing you.. or some guy.. or... You get my meaning.

    If she really is what she says she is, she does need a friend when she realizes that SL can mess with your head at times.

  8. Colour me jaded, but how do we know she was 16 and not just some perv looking to PLAY a 16 year old.. I am just a little suspicious about the constant "I WANT SEX" mindset. Sure, teens are amourous to be sure, big ball of hormones that they are. But she seemed a little... eager.

    Now if she was seriously 16, and seriously wants to cyber.. she will. Nothing you will do will prevent that. If you do not provide the info, some guy will. You can tell her to wait, but she won't unless she decides not to.

  9. Dillon - Yup, bored to tears. No L, didn't really find too many to chat with that had similar interests. My time to login was bad, mostly non-english users most places I found. This time around is... WAAAAAAY different. Have some disposable income to set up a life here... met someone... Found that I love DJing... I have 20 or so really great friends... Finally hit on the live music scene here... Just took hitting the right sim and being able to be on at a better time of day. So far I've yet to be bored at all. I'm also looking into building, texturing and scripting.

    Just because the first time around I didn't see the point of SL doesn't mean that there isn't one and that I will find it boring later on ;)

    Phil - Perhaps they are looking to move the information from here. I agree, as long as this place exists, they need to ensure that they are feeding information to it. However, most companies are outsourcing their communications to social media because most have a small buy-in for maintenance (here, they need moderators and servers to maintain, on Twitter, they just need to have one guy to occassionally fire off a tweet), but still provide the interaction with their clientele. I know, for example, City of Heroes heavily leverages Facebook and UStream now, even though they have an extensive forum and internal communication system. And, honestly, I find myself seeing more of what they do BECAUSE of that.

    Do you know why I came to these forums in the first place? For scripting help. Not to socialize really, because I do that in SL. I didn't look for information because I can have that sent to me at my Twitter account if I so desire, or Google SL info when I need it. It's an older mentality that a game community requires a forum for it. I know, I am a part of that community to some degree. But media is shifting away from specialized resources like single-game sites and forums. Many people hop on Facebook first thing in the morning, or even check it throughout the day. It just makes sense to meet your customer where they are rather than asking them to come to you.

    I agree that they do need to support the forums so long as they exist, and some forums are really needed to be here (Employment, Scripting, Classified, et cetera). The level of support will likely not be the same in the heyday pre-social media, but yes right now that support does not seem to be there.

  10. Actually, no. They'd be safe having a video, multipart or single, recording their play in SL so long as it was on a standard channel or if the monetized/partner channel turned off revenue on the video. It's not really any difference than doing an open air performance of Rent. Anyone can see how you perform it, but you don't directly make money, and therefore do not profit from the intellectual properties of Rent's composer, writer or lyricist. However, if you were to package and sell videos of Rent, or even put it on YouTube with revenue streams on, and not have direct, written permission to do so, you would be in violation of ToS, receive a strike and be liable for damages/penalties from the company holding the rights.

    And as for why I trivialized the SL performance from a revenue standpoint is that, unless they are pulling down large amounts of money, the legal fees alone would not make it worthwhile to persue. Besides, the reason most plays go to public licence has to do with the fact that the original creators have made all the money they intended to with the intellectual property. Now, any peformance simply acts as a promotional tool for their work, and they really don't care if someone makes some pocket change when they've already lined their pockets with considerably more licencing the play to countless productions.

    The tribute shows on SL are more at risk than this show. Rebroadcast is a big no-no without permission. If they are paying a rights agency to compensate the artists and recording companies, they could get away with performing shows in-world. However, YouTubing THAT is no gray area. You'd get, at the very least, a link off to purchase the first identified song of the performance. You would not be able to monetize or place that on a partner channel at all, unless you fancy losing it.

  11. OK, first, yes, I'm one of the "newbies" who got his house and such...

    There's just this sense of "Get Off Mah Lawn" mentality about some things. Like this hatred that they dare use social media outside SL. Yea, I know, there are forums. But then people are moving away from specialized resources. I know some people who have their Twitter account on their smart phone. So they are heading home to drop into SL, and BANG Tweet saying grid's down. I see nothing wrong with MORE ways to communicate. If I had a smart phone myself (Got locked into a **bleep**ty contract with a **bleep**ty phone when I didn't have the cash for a smart phone), I'd have Pocket Meta/Grid on it too. I see nothing wrong with offering more ways to communicate.

    Complaining about that would be like complaining that their adding the ability to integrate outside media into SL. I'd rather see greater convergence between social media and SL, so that I can send an IM via Facebook and have my friend in SL see it. New does not mean bad, it just means new...

    Now, one thing I AM seeing is that they are neglecting the forums, by your opinion. Now I haven't been here long enough to speak to that, but I am not seeing a lot of admin names running about. It is a damn shame if they are moving away from supporting across the board. My first visit here (during the boom it appears) bored me to tears. I was lost and wandering about, left after 2 days. I get that they are trying to make the entry level more friendly to people coming in. I don't see that as bad because if people leave, sims close, land goes abandoned, and we get steps closer to losing SL eventually.

    As for them not building homes, I can see why. There was an offer they dropped in my email for a "free trial" home. I can assume what they are doing is trying to create a second tier, and become their own land baron. By holding off, they can save building the new sets of homes to see how many of us newbies jump ship so they can just reuse our homes. The homes appear to be bigger and more well equipped. And the "trial" part means they will eventually convert to a rented property. So it looks like they intend to step on some toes... hard.

    Now, I will say this: Renting from someone is SO much better than just having a freebie home (I get this feeling that with all the premium gifts so far, it will have to be retermed preebie home, soon to be followed by a preebie car, preenis... I'm sure...), mainly because dealing with another human being when you run across an issue is better than submitting trouble tickets... Right now my home has its rights locked down and is just a place for me to hide projects from my soon-to-be-partner.

    I'm sure people will read this and dismiss me because I'm some 45 day old avi. And that's a shame, I love SL, this visit has been.. so much different than my last. I've found a new passion, maybe even new profession if I decide to pursue it RL. I've made fast friends with some really great people. And I enjoy being in SL this time around. I'd rather be a fresh perspective that helps you oldbies realize not all change is bad ;)

  12. Well, as to YouTube, the only true worry of that is if you have a Monetize-enabled/Partnered channel. Because it would be a recording of a performance, it would not be a "movie" per se, plus it would not be distributed via the standard channels, or have the standard fees involved. Now if they were to make a movie version and try to distribute and sell it, or post it to a monetized/partner channel and make money frm it, you best believe that would be crushed.

  13. Something else to consider is reducing your script/prim count. The viewer can only do so much. I have installed and tried just about every viewer (still a couple left on the list LOL). A lot of sims will have script scanner. I found one at the GOR learning center:

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Big Serenity/4/252/33

    It's two or three rooms in, large board that you can walk by. The fewer scripted items you have, the less response lag you have and generate for others.

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