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avantgarde Frequency

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Everything posted by avantgarde Frequency

  1. I have a group that is obsolete and it will not go away. I'm the only member. There are no real estate holdings. It's not listed in search. I've waited almost a year for it to "auto delete" yet it still exists. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I have a group that I want to delete. I've kicked everyone except myself from the group and three months later... it still exists. LL takes money from my account for owning the group and there is no way to delete it or leave it. People keep telling me that groups auto delete... but they don't. I've been the only member of the group for a YEAR and it's still there. Any advice?
  3. I have a group that I want to delete. I've kicked everyone except myself from the group and three months later... it still exists. LL takes money from my account for owning the group and there is no way to delete it or leave it. Any advice?
  4. I am the only member of the group and I want it to close entirely. Seems like LL is forcing me to pay for something I do not want.
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