If you are interested in working for a furry owned and operated club that is down with throwing out some hard rock and metal tunes throughout the week, then FuROCKalypse may be the place you want to come work! If you are a DJ and you are above the avatar age of 30 days, then I invite you to come over to FuROCKalypse and have an interview. Interview times are when the club has some free time. Hopefully soon enough we will have more staff and especially more DJs working! All interested in an interview or interested in general to working for the club must be friendly to all folks on SL, well aside from the trolls at least. If interested, please contact either Peaches or myself in-world for an interview and we will get back to you as soon as we are available. Thank you. Peaches Willful Shilohdarkfox Resident SLURL:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dark%20Dreamz/150/185/1296 ~Shiloh