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  1. Never Mind, I found the answer to fix this in the forum.. But thanks anyways.
  2. Even though I have had a profile for 6 years, I really am still a newbie. I dabble on and off, so not enough to actually have any idea what I am doing. So, here is my problem and I hope someone can dumb down the answer for me so I understand it. When I log in my avatar will not appear. All I see is smoke where she should be. Everything was fine this morning, then all of a sudden it was like she said f-u I'm out and that was that. Can someone tell me what is up and how I can fix it?
  3. I am using singularity, and new to this again... I am trying NOT to have my AVI look like a amazon woman... Cute smaller and sexy... and well I suck at this program..lol for now anyways. I dont what a tall AVI... something a little smaller but not tiny. what would a good height range be? Any suggestions I am very game for. Thanks :matte-motes-kiss: Patreese
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