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  1. Thanks I think I have found it Is there a way to gift this item to you off-world so i don't have to log in into second life? The program is a bit laggy on my laptop that is why i am only in if i create
  2. I have sent it to the marketplace yet I do not see anything in my shop yet. Does it take a while to show up? And is there someone I can befriend who I can send my meshes to for critics? As I am fairly new I might make mistakes I am willing to learn to correct Kind regards, Ash
  3. Wow thanks - that sounds complex, guess I will figure it iut eventuallu and start by making simple things at first
  4. Thank you! I have just came to second life and I am positively impressed by the level of support here. I will try this out at once.
  5. Hi I have just loaded up my first test model. It loads up just fine. But now the avatar does not enter the stairs, like the whole object is on collision. Does a stair have to be scripted? And I would like to have a wikihow on how to save your model after textures and size and everything is in place after which i can add it to the marketplace bc I do not know how. If someome then buys it in my marketplace will they automatically receive it? Or do I have to deliver it myself [which is unprefered] I am fairly new here so its all a bit puzzling. Thanks for any help!
  6. Thanks I have found a place that is perfectly solved thank you! I have tested out my beach pier. The model and textures loaded just fine it just was too small even though i used avatar references. I also could not walk onto my pier [ is that collision settings I have to add manually or by script? ] I cannot yet do that I will just start small making housing decoration. There are yet still much things for me to learn but I guess it is gonna be solved al. Thank you!
  7. Yes thank you Yes I know where I rented it and I kinda understood that progress of a box but I will pm the owner of it. A sandbox sounds perfect I do not need a place to live. I just log in occasionally to create. Thank you for all the help I am sure I [with your excellent help anyone ] get to where I need to go. I will try to figure out the sandbox places tonight. gr Ash
  8. I hope when I log in into the place you say I won't be seeing that 'prohibited" to build icon? bc that is the problem I run into - everywhere that I go. I can hardly texture it if I am forced to attach my object to myself just so i can texture it. I hit big frustration by now just bc i cannot find any place where there is permission to build - is that permission live on that place or in the public sandboxes? gr Ash I bought a "rented" land and its confirmed delivered to the objects folder so it says but i cannot find it anywhere i see a lot of things have no idea where it should be
  9. I have bought a rented land and it says it is delivered in my objects folder yet I cannot find it I have no idea how to my new rented place how can i go to my land?
  10. Is beta grid free of charge and can I use mesh upload there? I am not yet too familiar with second life yet I will see if I can figure out how to access the beta grid Thanks for any help
  11. Thanks especially that link of land weight is really helping a lot
  12. Thanks yes I am pretty new to second life though I have experience in mesh building while considering file size bc I develop on imvu and nuvera as well. Thanks for your tips.
  13. Hi, my name is ashentaey I am looking for a private land can be as simple as a few pieces of stone where I can go to in private where I can upload my meshes while working in isolation. Can I find such things on marketplace or does anyone know a good place? Kind regards, Ash
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