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  1. I recreated my shop as i decided it needed a facelift, so i deleted all my previous products so i could redesign it, when i had completed the new shop i noticed that the items i had deleted, which aren't in unlisted or unavailable, still appeared when i was trying to chose products to relate my items to. This is pretty frustrating, as some of the items i used were named similar, and i worry i might end up relating it to a previous item that shouldn't even be there. How do i delete a product from all history with my store, including related and if possible the best selling/most searched feature. Thank you Trixbellah
  2. I have deleted several animations in my shop, as i was redesigning it, but now even though i deleted the items, they still appear when searching to add related items in the edit, and some of them are named the same so i can't differentiate which is the previous one and which is the new one. How do i completely remove a item from the whole of my marketplace history? so it won't appear anywhere? Thanks Trixibellah
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