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Everything posted by Kethri

  1. Hello, Can anyone tell me why I get the script error "Could not find object"." with the following script? A prim named box is in the inventory of the prim with the script. string box; integer param; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { llRezObject(box, <213, 10, 62>, <0,0,0>, ZERO_ROTATION, param); } }
  2. Hello everyone, Can anyone tell me how to restart the update installer. The first time I ran it some files must have still been in use because they could not be over written. I canceled the installation intending to rerun it. But now I don't know where to find the update installer. Would anyone be able to help me with this? Thanks
  3. Ok, thank you both for the quick response.
  4. It runs the statement only once instead of repeating it multiple times as it should.
  5. Hi, Can someone explain to me why a for statement does not work like this? Thanks ScriptThisPage() { for (ForIndex = min; ForIndex <= max; ++ForIndex && ++ButtonIndex) { string item = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, ForIndex); if (item != ME) { integer ButtonIndex = ButtonIndex+1; MESSAGE += (string)ButtonIndex+" "+item+"\n"; BUTTONS += (string)ButtonIndex; } else { --ButtonIndex; } } }
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