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Posts posted by leGustav

  1. So I am kinda new to the BOM stuff.

    I am wearing a BOM Head Applier Body alpha to be able to add a hairbase but it's not working, I can see the non mesh head... what am i doing wrong?

    It's the only alpha I am wearing by the way.

  2. Here's my schedule ha :P

    Monday - Game of Thrones (awaiting new season) & Hannibal (finishing season 1)

    Tuesday - The 100 (About to start season 3) & Homeland (Awaiting new season)

    Wednesday - Orphan Black (awaiting new season) & Stranger Things (awaiting new season)

    Thursday - Mr Robot (awaiting new season)

    Friday - Twin Peaks (season 2)


    I shall start 1 or 2 more because i can't be left with just waiting for new stuff :P

  3. I am looking for buddies to watch series and movies with, mostly! I don't do much on SL, I just stand around, sometimes I take photos.


    I am 25, socially awkward.




  4. Hello, I am currently looking to get a job in SL, I've worked as a host for over a year, I also did the DJ thing, I did all of it without a mic though, I am not able to voice, yeah I know that lowers my chances but I don't lose anything by posting here :P I believe I have a pretty decent taste in music, I play alternative, rock, pop, indie, even 80s. I could also play metal but I haven't in any of my previous clubs.

    And on the other side, I could do photography > https://www.flickr.com/photos/94793251@N08/

    I'd like to apply for any kind of job and am willing to learn :)

    My main language is Spanish, my available time would be from 3pm to 10pm SL time.

  5. Hello, I'd like help in finding out the cause of this happening to me all the time...



    I believe it has to do something with my router but I don't really know...

    It can't be about my PC specs, this is a way upgraded one from my old one, and still happens.

    I really want to fix this since I like doing photography and this frustrates the experience a lot.




  6. This has been happening to me for about some weeks now, I teleport to a place(not a specific one), and appear without attachments... either clothes, or HUDS... what is going on? is this normal? it is annoying having to re-add everything everytime :matte-motes-dont-cry:

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