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Everything posted by xHavick

  1. thanks for your awnsers but dont know how contact LL directly you guys mean by ticket?
  2. its report abuse on help in second life do something? or i have to creat a ticket?
  3. Hello im getting harassed by one person i block hes main but hes creating new account to harass myself my question is this its against the tos of secondlife creat new account to harass? he can get banned? i dont know how it works but im not enjoying sl like before if have harassment like that and is awfull hes obsessed with me and start not be healthy for myself Thanks for read hope some admin from second life can help me
  4. Oh thank ALLOT! is fixed finally! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  5. Hi i use firestorm last version and 1 act avatar when i use normal ao the feets go underground can anyone help me pls?
  6. Hi i use firestorm last version and 1 act avatar when i use normal ao the feets go underground can anyone help me pls?
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