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Hamilton Lecker

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Everything posted by Hamilton Lecker

  1. My AV does not Rezz.. Message I get is items cannot be found in data base.. Such as Shape and Skin.. WHat do I do to sort this problem out??I have manually cleared cache... re booted... been to low lag sim to re-load inventory.. done what I am supposed to do but still no success... the problem started with LL unplanned maintenance last Friday...
  2. I too am having no luck with login today... Full message I get (on two different computers) is: "We're having trouble connecting. There may be problems with your internet connection, opr the second Life Servers. You can either check your internet connection, and try again in a few minutes, click help to connect to our support site, or click teleport to attempt to teleport home" 1. My internet connection is just fine (ok I am on wireless and do have some minor problems from time to time, however this inability to login has now been going on for 7 hours! Never happened before! 2. Have tried login with another AV.. Same problem and message! 3. Checked Firewalls.. all ok.. 4. According to SL.. Grids are all online and ok.. Help, anyone, if you can
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