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  1. Thank you guys so much! Resident did indeed work for me! :-D
  2. Hello all. After being away from Second Life for awhile I decided to poke around again. Unfortunatly, I seem to have forgotten what my 'last name' was! Actually, I do not really remember having one, althought I suppose that I must have. Either way, I remember the first name, and the password, but that isn't going to do me much good without the last name. >.< Is there any way that I can look up my character's name from my forum account? Or any other way to try and get this figured out? Any and all help would be apreciated!
  3. Thank you all for the quick and encouraging replies! I met someone in-game who has been a tremendious help in getting my profile set up and everything. It has really made everything a much better experience!
  4. So I decided to give Second Life a try. I figured that visiting a few of the clubs listed as Active and Newcomer Friendly on the search feature would be a good way to get to meet a few people. So I fired up the search and went to visit the first BDSM Club that the result shot back to me, only to be inexplicably banned from the building. And when I asked the person about why I was told that it was because I made my account less than 15 days ago and I was insulted for not knowing what certain game abbreviations mean... I figured that if ~this~ was the community's idea of 'Newcomer Friendly' I should just forget about it before I even start. After thinking about it a bit more I decided that it isn't really fair to judge everone off of a single first impression. So taking that lesson learned as how ~not~ to get started, I thought that I would give the forums a shot? Where can I go as a woman interested in Submission and Domination to meet other people looking to relax and unwind a couple of hours a few times a week? Preferably something a bit less intimidating than an entire room packed full of people at once. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them! Thank you in advance! -Petrilia
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