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Everything posted by ArennaV

  1. Hi Rosemaery, thanks for replying, got the specs you mentioned As for your question, at this time I take parts of my images and turn them into patterns. I"ve done that before so it's in my comfort zone. I'm unsure if I can create art textures well enough to be called that, so I'll look into that later. And thanks for mentioning the alpha channel in your 2nd reply!
  2. Hiyas Nexxi, thanks for replying, got it As far as the uniqueness is concerned I guess it's the old choice between creating something I really like myself that doesn't sell, or creating something that sells reasonably well but isn't in my own top 10, so to speak. So therefor the question, how much uniqueness can builders/designers get away with? Ofcourse taste and experience play a huge part in that personal decision, but apart from the option to do both i.e. create both categories I'd still like to ask your opinion Thanks!
  3. Hiyas all :) So I have decided to try to earn some Lindens by providing original and unique textures based on my own RL photographs to both builders and fashion designers. In order to allow that idea to be successfull I would like to ask if there are possibilities to collaborate that way? And if so, what demands do you as a builder or a fashion designer have regarding those textures in terms of resolution, size, type of file, uniqueness, seamlessness and so on? Samples are in the making but I can tell you that my style is all about (geometrical) patterns created from all of my RL photographs that have interesting lines or patterns in them. An image of a beautiful / extraordinary RL building may end up as a unique SL texture! Feedback is greatly appreciated :D Thanks in advance, regards, Arenna
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