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Sammi Washborne

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Posts posted by Sammi Washborne

  1. My problem is I want to use the skin that comes with the body but BOM the clothes as he is not fussy and has an extensive wardrobe already.  Is there a blank skin I can use that will let the gianni skin show?

    Also the head is Gianni.  The eyes on it look awful but after dropping that kind of dough I will just look for a head skin.  Or complete skin. 


    Also I am suprised it bakes the skin layer on as my matrya body doesn't on BOM

  2. So I am trying to revamp my husband's av and bought him a Gianni body and head as well as other things. The BOM seems like a complete cluster F.  Everytime I try to use it, it either bakes on the default skin I had on his av (which I can't take off) or it brings his old body back on top of his new body!!  Same with the head!!  What am I doing wrong?!?!?  I only just recently figured out turning myself to mesh so I am on a steep learning curve here.  Any help is greatly appreciated!!

  3. With some help in world and with the resources you guys have given me I finally pulled the trigger and am SOOOOO happy with what I ended up with.  It was a lovely mother's day present from my son and husband to be able to spend so much in game.  Now I am working on my husband's transition.  What are the best and most popular male Ava makers?  I am finding very few options.  I'd love one that isn't ripped to crazy amounts and also need advice on good compatible functioning "parts".  Thank you in advance!!

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  4. Some people have told me classic avs make you look like a noob.  I can see the points you are talking about.  I bought a really expensive couple of skins I LOVE and basically identify with, with BoM can I still try to use them?

  5. I am also in a similar boat here.  My head swims when I try to figure out the whole mesh thing.  What you posted was extremely helpful, thank you so much! I am 12 years and 4 months old but kind of stopped coming around the time mesh was being added.  I love my system av but am open to changing to mesh.  What I don't understand is what is better about mesh?  Thanks for any help you can give to us old newbies!!  Also, am I understanding that if I get an applier I can still use the classic skins I bought years ago (or try to see if they work with the body/face)?

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