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Rebecca Solari

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Everything posted by Rebecca Solari

  1. I think if Second Life changed it's name it should be called "LIFE ENHANCEMENT". Second Life can enhance your first life in many ways. Also, I think people have lost the real meaning of "Second Life". "Second Life" has become too real and too many people think that in order to 'enjoy' the company of another person they must know everything about that person's "Real Life". Or, they think if they do not voice or video with someone on Second Life that there must be something terribly wrong with that person. They are missing the whole experience of "Second Life", in my opinion. In my opinion, people should try to experience the virtual experience of "Second Life", in that they feel and see in a virtual way or spiritual way. There is a whole new 'LIFE' in this experience. Get to know people on the inside and use your imagination. Let your imagination soar. Don't be such a realist. I am in Second Life to enhance my First Life and to enhance the life of others. The day it begins to destroy me is the day I walk away. However, I am stronger than to let it destroy. That is a decision each of us have to make. Why are you here in Second Life? Are you just skimming the surface and never let yourself get emotionally involved? Are you afraid of getting 'hurt'? Who can hurt your? You can only be hurt if you let yourself be hurt or you give too much personal life history to someone you don't even know, which is the dumbest thing you can possibly do. Let each experience you have in SL be a lesson and don't let it take you down to a pitiful state. Second Life is not my First Life, but it does ENHANCE my total being. Also, Second Life would be nothing if you were here alone. It is the community of wonderful thousands of humans that make up the experience. SL is an experience and you have control of what kind of experience it can be for you. I don't beleive this site was originally set up as a 'dating' site, otherwise this would exclude us married people. You, however, have the ultimate decision of what Second Life means to you.
  2. The Metanomics Translator worked yesterday and today it does not work. Will it resume? I received a good in-world answer and found out that the service is discontinued. And thank you for your answers. I found the translation section in my Firestorm viewer... pref/chat/text input/translations.... however I am having trouble now trying to get a BING AppID. I searched google for that ;)) and found a solution that was not a solution. The page they sent to was a page where you had to put the Bing Link on your own website. What I really need now is a BING AppID. People who seem to know how to get one don't seem to be able to explain how to anyone else. And It was GREAT news discovering that SL may still be able to produce another good free translator. Thanks to all of you good people.
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