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Posts posted by Mizaki

  1. We are so happy to invite all of you to visit Pandora Box of Dreams.
    a creative sim setting for the visionaries and creative minds who seek a place where dreams come to life. A new dream will appear after 2-3 months time.

    Dream 001: Dreams of Sakura

    We hope you will have plenty of memories, feel the inspiration and most of all enjoy the peaceful serenity!

    Location: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Diamond%20bay/181/141/2001
    Designer: Lokhe (Jackson Verlack) <3

    Please share your dreams with us!
    Flickr: www.flickr.com/groups/pandora_box_of_dreams/
  2. From what I understand most clubs in SL are set on maturity ratings. As long as it doesn't break any major Linden Lab rules like child play then I think you shouldn't have a problem. But if there would be constant sexual activities not in private IMs and too much nutidy pose balls then maybe you ought to go adult rated. 


    Moderate Parcel_lght_M.png

    Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life. Dance clubs, bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks, and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning all support a Moderate designation so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags. Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Moderate.

    Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search.

    I think this link would explain better.


  3. Not sure if this question will even be notice. But I got to try. =) So a friend of mine has been having a serious issue since yesterday around 11am SLT (August 20th, 2013)...[Yes, we know SL has been going through some rerolls and changes...but I think it may be an account issue, since all his other alts are working fine. It is just this one account.]

    His avatar appears with a noob skin and noob hair. He wears mesh mostly and those would load properly, but the noob skin isn't allowing the Alpha layers to load at all. (Plus, this is a problem only with one avatar. His other alts load perfectly fine. So I assume it may be an account issue.)

    He did everything to try and fix the issue. Rebaked, Character tests, Avatar appearance, clear Casche, re-installed viewer (He is using the latest firestorm viewer too), reset his internet router, updated his graphics card, deactivated gestures, teleported to different region servers and relogged....

    But..no matter what, the avatar still remained that way..that skin won't go away. We are unsure of other ways, but if there is something we haven't tried in the solutions I mentioned, it would be great to receive some feedback.

    Summarized Below:

    -Skin is ruthed. (He can't even find this skin...)
    -Ruthed skin won't detach no matter what we tried.
    -Mesh clothing is seen properly
    -Any other cloth layers are not rezzing
    -The Ruthed skin won't let alphas load

    Solutions tried but failed:
    -Character test (That other skin won't even let the usual noob skin work)
    -Avatar appearance edit
    -Clearing Casche
    -Character test
    -Teleporting to a different region server
    -Stripping avatar and relogging in a low lag region
    -Reinstalled veiwer (He uses the latest firestorm version)
    -Deactivating gestures
    -Reset internet router
    -Updated graphics card

    (All of the above failed. =/ )

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