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Everything posted by Vollrath

  1. Yes to Alesium. And to Ceera, I usually do, when I think it's going to happen. Guess I just need to be extra careful now.
  2. Yes, rezzing on a non-mesh object, when this is happening, works.
  3. Yeah, it's always places I have rights to. Otherwise, sl would just say, 'can't rez'. I'm getting something like, 'failed to rez...NOM'
  4. It doesn't happen on every mesh. The floor of my house is usually fine. I wish I could be more specific. I was just at Muschi. I bought something, tried to rez it, SL ate it. The box was no copy, contents were tho. Weirdness. I'm sure the owner will send me a new one but this is all so inconvenient. I've lost Arcade items, other no copy things. It's random, it seems, but rezzing on a mesh is the one common thing I can think of.
  5. Is this a common bug, or is it Firestorm specific? I rez an object on a mesh, SL says, can't rez, it vanishes. Forever. Never comes back to my lost and found, objects, anywhere.
  6. Same thing. Both people are me. I can't review what I bought on either account.
  7. I was gifted something, I go to wrote a review, and I get this; You must purchase the product before you can review it. Is there any way I can review?
  8. I've just found that maybe it's the animation length. It was around 60 seconds. I read that the limit is 30 seconds, but when trying to upload a 77second animation, I got an error saying that 60 was the limit. If it really is 30, then I'm still confused because I can see the animation play. I can run 2 viewers and see it on both.
  9. I made an animation, uspide-down Spider-Man thing. It plays for me, when other peopel play it, I see it, and eitehr way they do not. All they see is the noob stand, or whatever AO I or they are wearing. I've re-uploaded it, issue persists. Any idea what may cause this?
  10. Yes, it was attached haha. Thank you all, extra thanks to Innula, it's working!
  11. Ok, I started over with what Innula posted, and added what Qie said I needed. Still nothing happening on a left click. Here is what it looks liek now: integer counter; integer max; list animations; string previousAnim ="standing"; string newAnim; default { state_entry(){ max = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION); counter =0; do { animations+=[llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,counter)]; } while (++counter<max); counter =0; max = llGetListLength(animations); } attach(key attached) { llRequestPermissions(attached, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer permissions) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE); } control(key id, integer held, integer change) { integer pressed = held & change; integer down = held & ~change; integer released = ~held & change; integer inactive = ~held & ~change; if (pressed & CONTROL_LBUTTON){ newAnim = llList2String(animations,(counter%max)); if(llGetPermissions()&PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION){ llStartAnimation(newAnim); llStopAnimation(previousAnim); previousAnim=newAnim; ++counter; } } } }
  12. Nothing is happening. It saves, variations of this save, but nothing happens when I left click. I'll keep trying. Thanks, tho, this seems to be more like what I need.
  13. Here it is; default { attach(key id) { if(id){ llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); llTakeControls(CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE); } } control(key id, integer held, integer press){ if(press){ if(held) llStartAnimation("INVENTORY_ANIMATION"); else llStopAnimation("INVENTORY_ANIMATION"); } } } What I need help with is getting this to play multiple animations from the objects inventory. Not all at once, but one per left click of the mouse. Not left clicking on the object, like on the ground or in mouselook. I'm pretty sure there is a way to do this without listing each animation in the script. Any advice?
  14. The point has been missed. I'm not saying anyone should conform to a standard, dress a certain way, anything like that.
  15. Also for people who have been here for years and look like they don't have a clue. Adjust your shape to your clothes, your clothes to your shape, your clothes and shape to your AO, and vice versa. Adjust your shape to your shape! If you're going to have a 5' shoulder span, you shouldn't have a tiny head and a tiny waist. Match quality; If you're wearing a nice, well textured, say coat, you'll look best if the rest of your clothes are of the same quality. Some people simply do not care how they look. For those that do, this may be helpful. In short; adjust everything to everything.
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