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  1. I revised my message to not include names and links, as I did not realize it was not allowed. And I was NOT trying to slander anyone, since as I said I have purchaed AOs plus animations from this store for my other names. So I don't see why I would intentionally slander my favorite AO store in SL. Moreover, I still shop there, have recommend, and will continue to recommend this store for being the best AO store on SL, in my opinion. Anyhow thank you everyone for your input. I will continue to contact the creator for a resolution and hopefully I get to Mod my AO. I have tried to rez and Mod, that is how I noticed the item was not Modifable, which made me look in my inventory and see it stated that. Thank you, again.
  2. I purchased an AO. This item, as all the AOs advertised at this store, is Copy/ MOD/No Tran. I have previously purchased AOs, from this store, twice for 2 of my old names, and I was able to Mod both AOs with no problem. However, I purchase this AO as well as 16 animations I planned on Modding into the AO because it say Copy/MOD, but when I got the pricey item it says No Mod/ NO Tran. I made sure to read the creators customer support policy, so I first contacted the person stated to be the customer suppore person, InWorld, and to this day I have never heard from that person, and that was over a week ago. But of course, after 2 days of no response, I contact the owner as he states to, in a notecard with the details, and he responded to me that day. He sent me another AO but again it still said NO MOD, I told him that the second one was the same and I offered to take a picture of my inventory to show him and he has not responded to me still. This was a few days ago. I even went back to the store, InWorld, and clicked the updater to get the updated version and it still gave me a NO MOD version. Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do? It's just no fair to spend all those $Ls only for it to go to waste. And the reason I wanted a MOd version, beside the fact that it is part of what I paid for (plus the creator offers a great AO object for you to utilized how you want to) and keeping this product in it's default state makes me look just like any other person who bought the item and did not Mod it. I'd rather be able to alter my AO so that my avi can have a unique animation flow.
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