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Jaclyn Bouevier

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Everything posted by Jaclyn Bouevier

  1. I haven't received anything in RL. I have moved since he poofed and changed my cell #. As far as I know no one else has heard anything either. Its like he wants to terrorize me and run me off SL totally. But who knows what people like this are capable of. I have a DELL, so I think Id have to *shivers* contact their support line for the windows app. But the bright side of that, I could get rid of Vista. Thank you to everyone for your suggestions and ideas.....
  2. I am finding out just how big of a nut case he is. I have seen up to 8 alts he uses regularly with GF's on 3 of them at the same time. I steer clear of any known hangouts of his. I know he knows computers very well and its totally possible he could have put something in mine. I knwo he has never been in my actual RL house for a fact.
  3. I have AR'd a couple quiet a few times. They are still there. I have started AR'ing every time I see one I know is him. lol..Im getting paranoid at this point. But when you see the same name pop up on 2 different sims. One from the top secret alt and the other on a known avie, kind of makes you wonder. /me hates empty profiles.
  4. This last alt I made, absolutely no one knows about her. I havent been anywhere I normally go. See no one I normally see & talk to. I am totally alone. With this lastest alt, I dont listen or watch any media. I check profiles before speaking to anyone because I know there is rigged viewers that give location info. I guess my next move will be to ditch this computer for a new one. I just want to be left alone to have a nice SL experience!!!
  5. He had my main, who i reactivated, banned from Franks. He put somethings into local like me and my new BF were actually saying them. No name was before ours. But, what he put did have timestamps on them. The timestamps showed what my BF said was hours before what I said. And what was said was hours before when it actually happened. 2 days before this happened, my BF got an IM from an alt. Other then this there has been no recent contact except the same alts showing up on the sim over and over. Sometimes 2 & 3 times a day!!.
  6. I have set the privacy in my web page profile on those accounts. I feel I have done everything I can to stop this to no avail.
  7. I have had a stalker for 3 years now. I had to leave my main because of this. He was my partner for 1 1/2 years and stalked me while we were together. I understand how he did it while we were together (he could map me then, oh, and a little script he put in a ring i always wore, without my knowledge) After he poofed without a word, and noticed the stalking continued, I dumped everything I wore while with him. All new copies of things I made before wearing the first time. But he would find me anyways and IM anyone I was interested in, all his alts show up on any land i buy within hours of buying it. So, I made an alt (not this one) and left my main altogether. I actually cancelled her. Everything was quit for a couple months, then when I met a guy and he bought a homestead they started showing up again. I made the mistake of IMing the first one. I didnt know about rigged viewers giving my location info. Well, I made ANOTHER alt. absolutely NO ONE knew or knows its me. I dont go the same places, dont hang out with anyone from my previous lives, and I dont even live on the same sim. Absolutely NO connection to my previous lives. Guess what..They are showing up in droves after just 3 wks. My question is how and how do I have a peaceful SL without looking over my shoulder anymore. For crying out loud, HE poofed well over a year ago and still stalking. I have AR'd every alt I see for the past 2 years and nothing from LL to help.
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