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Everything posted by LulieLu

  1. I think this is an important thing for the game in general. I mean, to know the rules. What got me interested in SecondLife was a load of articles in newspapers about how people where paying real money for virtual land! This got me interested in general because in real life it feels like there's so much BS in making money, so much regulation. I believe things are expensive due to market restrictions, not because of liberisation. But perhaps I'm wrong because there has been "problems in the past" as mentioned on this thread. I wonder what those problems were. This is all of interest to me because I feel money is a big problem in life. But I want to know why. What is it about money that causes these problems. Why does nobody in a corporation agree with the companies actions, yet the company acts as it does? Does money form a network that clumps? Does money communicate negative emotions more efficiently than positive ones? The first thing I thought I'd try is currency speculation but I didn't think I'd make much money on it, I just wanted an escape from the real world and that seemed like the most assessible option right? I expect Linden probably has liberal political capitalist leanings but after this probably found it's more difficult than at first thought. Are there alternative radical philosophical proposals that could implemented in SecondLife? I would much rather see them tested here than elsewhere but of course in order to be tested fully you need separation from the real economy. I don't suppose we know what's the situation with other games and money?
  2. I was able to buy LindenDollars but was only allowed to sell 100 before getting blocked by the risk API. I keep trying every day and it's the same. I'll keep trying.
  3. Ah thanks... hmm... I don't think I can be bothered to try to run a business. I wonder what currency trader is. I guess that must be for the ATM owners etc. Day 2: I tried to sell $100 lindens today again but once again got blocked by the risk API. I guess I better come back in a month when I believe my account would get upgraded to level 1. Hopefully the risk API won't be blocking everything then.
  4. "et your needs please send a limit review request as described above. Include information about your needs. We'll review your request, and if appropriate create additional limits or make adjustments to the existing limits." ^ but the limits DO meet my needs... I just don't know how to select the business account
  5. I want to buy some LindenDollars. I'm not so interested in the secondlife itself. I tried to buy some but there are limits on the amount I can buy. How do I become a higher level resident, merchant or currency trader? Also, when I go to https://join.secondlife.com/download.php it forwards me to https://join.secondlife.com/ even though I am logged in
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