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  1. After several years of being a resident in Second Life, I have found one thing to remain constant throughout all the years. No it is not the viewer. The changes there are constant and unappealing. It is not the grid or the activities therein. It is the inaction of the team of Linden Employees who deal with abuse on the Second Life servers. Many of you who read this are land owners, estate managers, or at least at some point throughout your Second Life you have been forced to deal with a griefer. The frustration of having to deal with these children who think it makes them look cooler or whatever their motivations are, to crash sims, fill up parcels with boxes and sounds, can be very annoying. What is worst than dealing with a griefer though? Dealing with the people who are responsible for stopping and preventing these kids from doing what they are doing to begin with. Try this out for yourself. The next time you are being griefed or your sim is crashed. Contact any one of the many Linden employees that are online. The response will be the same. "Please file an abuse report.". OK so file your abuse report and see what happens. Usually within minutes you will receive an email thanking you for your abuse report. Though sometimes it may take upto 24 hours before you get this email. Now what happens? Well you get griefed a whole lot more. Your sim keeps crashing. The griefer is free to do whatever they like for as long as they like. Linden Lab takes their time and may look at your report within a few days. They may not look at it at all. But what happens if you kick it into high gear? Lets say you send a report every time the griefer comes to your sim to crash it. lets say 20-30 times a day? Or what if you report the griefer for every prim they have griefed you with? Which could be in the hundreds? The abuse team quickly jumps to action and informs you that if you continue to file abuse reports you will be banned for harrasment of a Linden.?!?!?!?!?!?!? So after 6 years of being in this virtual world, I have noticed that nothing about the way griefers are handled has changed. The people who are victims are treated like the aggressors and the people who grief are ignored by the staff of this great world. I am sorry Linden Lab, but I strongly feel it is time to rethink the way you act(or dont act) to abuse reports. It is time for a change that allows the paying residents of this world to feel some sort of security. And i think it is time that people who grief are banned. You have the ability to completely block computers from accessing Second Life. I say use it.
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