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Tara Emodemon

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Everything posted by Tara Emodemon

  1. if i zoom out to far my mesh doesnt load in properly, i know that you fix this by up-ing the rendering in debug settings, but i can't remember which one it is/what i type in... can anyone help me?
  2. Hi, i use Firestorm and i have been having this issue since i reinstalled firestorm months ago i just never did anything to fix the problem but now that i am using more mesh objects it's starting to become aggravating. So basically my issue is, for some mesh objects i have to zoom in really close for them to rez properly otherwise they are distorted looking. I remember back a long time ago there was a way to fix this issue, but i can't remember how to do it. Can anyone help me? Here's an example.
  3. So casinos in Second Life are against TOS ? He lent me the money to play a machine at a gaming place.. maybe i should of worded things differently.
  4. Someone gave me money to gamble with but never stated that i needed to give them ALL of the winnings if i won until after i won. Am i only required to give him back what he gave me to play and is it considered stealing if i keep the winnings even though the money never touched his account or only if i kept the amount he gave me?
  5. I am currently using the "vintage" skin, therefore it is not like the rest of the firestorm skins and i dont have all of the gadgets that other skins do. it looks like the original viewer 1 skin; i looked all through my inventory and cannot find the "Recieved Items" please help.
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