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Everything posted by AlyssaMoran

  1. I know about listeners, its the rlv stuff I dont know, specifically the safeword. So will your suggestion work even if the wearer changes their safeword to something else? Presumably the listener should listen to the relay channel? But doesnt that mean any object saying the correct message on that channel will clear the restriction? Also I do not see this code in the sample rlv objects I have, is that because it needs to be different for attachments? Obviously I am missing crucial understanding here, can you suggest some sources? Thank you for all your help.
  2. Thank you, can you explain what the listener should be listening for? You are right about state rlvNo, it's just there for further experimentation.
  3. So I have an object which is an attachment and functions as a HUD, and can enter a state where @detach=n is called. When I use the 'safeword' on my relay I want to be able to detach, but it seems to make no change. The rlv detach restriction is still in place. Can someon explain what I am missing please? In the following code, the behaviour I am looking for is: from state rlvYes, safeword to allow detach, detach the object, reattach it and trigger on_rez, which takes it back to default. So the wearer can cheat out of the timer if they want to. default { state_entry() { llSetColor(<1.0,0,0>, ALL_SIDES); llOwnerSay("in entry default"); llOwnerSay("@detach=y"); } touch_end(integer total_number) { state rlvYes; } } state rlvYes { state_entry() { llSetColor(<0,1.0,0>, ALL_SIDES); llOwnerSay("in entry rlvYes"); llOwnerSay("@detach=n"); llSetTimerEvent(30); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); state rlvNo; } on_rez(integer start_param) { state default; } } state rlvNo { state_entry() { llSetColor(<0,0,1.0>, ALL_SIDES); llOwnerSay("in entry rlvNo"); llOwnerSay("@detach=y"); } touch_end(integer total_number) { state default; } }
  4. Innula Zenovka wrote: It's particularly useful for this sort of thing because, if the uuid is that of an avatar, the message is heard by all attachments that avatar is wearing that are listening on that channel. This will do nicely. Thank you!
  5. Hi, I am trying to find a way to send messages to my HUD by (someone else) clicking on an object I am wearing. Is it possible to make a HUD directly clickable by another avatar? I dont want to use chat if at all possible, but if I give this setup to someone else, how do I get the HUD and the worn object to connect when they are first rezzed? Thanks.
  6. I have an object which an avatar plays and starts animation1, then after a timer interval plays animation2. How do I script it so that animation2 will follow without asking permissin again? Thanks.
  7. Yes, thats why I made the animation. Its one of the stock ones I uploaded at priority 4 (I think). I had to tuen everything off to get it to work but since I want others to use it too I wanted the higher priority version. But it has me standing up straight in the pose I want. QAvimator has me lying on the ground.
  8. Hi. I made an animation in QAvimator and uploaded it. When I play it in SL my avatar is standing up but should be lying on the ground, what have I missed? Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the answers. I feel like this forum is helping me to grasp an understanding of LSL that I have been missing. Elements are falling into place now.
  10. Hi guys. I have an object which the current owner can control through dialogs. It is designed to be customizable, and speak some messges on a timer along with doing some other stuff. I am looking for an elegant way of allowing the user to set these messages for themselves, is there a better way than using notecards for this? Thanks.
  11. Thanks for your input. I am very surprised there isnt an elegant way of doing this, it seems like something people would want to do a lot. I'll experiment with your script for a while and see what I can come up with.
  12. Hi, first I apologize for asking such a beginner question: I want to play a stand animation which isnt in my AO. I can do this of course, but my question is how to return to this animation after I stop walking, instead of going back to one in my AO. I tried re-starting it on a fast timer, and stopping all other animations and starting the one I want.... no joy. An internet search gives me lots of information about animation priorities and I'm sure that is the cause of the problem. But surely this is an easy fix for a script?
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