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Rufus Gracemount

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  1. BRILLIANT!!! I had not been giving anything out as my shop isn't live, so nobody had been buying or getting anything from my objects. However, the region owner and I DID find two of those hideous ExDepart gift givers in the area, which had been assigned to me as the owner. I have NO idea how they got there as they certainly did not come from me! They have been spam-flooding notecards. (I noticed this as it did so to me) This obviously flooded my scripted item giving limit. They have been destroyed, and the sim is being reset, so hopefully all will now be well. Everyone, I can't thank you enough for the help. Hopefully this has totally resolve this issue. And what an obscure one it was! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Frustrating-Script-Bug/td-p/1645697/page/2
  2. Sim has been restarted....And had no effect
  3. Done! The results I got in chat: [19:44] Object: Touched: 1 [19:44] Object: Should be giving Test Notecard to Captain Rufus Gracemount [19:44] Object: I have just given you a notecard called Test Notecard No notecard was given. I tested it in a totally different region, and it gave the same messages in chat, AND gave the notecard with no problems. It obviously thinks it is doing the right thing, but it isn't. Baffling!
  4. Using the llOwnerSay script, the object returns the message: Should be giving The Arcadian Minstrel - Catalogue to Rufus Gracemount which is exactly what I want it to do. Except it doesn't, the contrary swine! (And thanks for all your help on this, it really is appreciated!)
  5. If I do this, it returns the "touched" event as normal. But the notecard still remains ungiven. I note, I have had no syntax errors through all of this, in case that is relevant. Do there have to be any special settings on the notecard for this to work? It is set to next owner copy/mod. I've never needed to change that in the past. Since it works elsewhere, I presume it should be fine.
  6. Yes, to both questions. The object needs to be set to the Mieville group to work, which it is. And the default script does return the "touched" message. My music player and URL giver scripts work fine. But for some unfathomable reason, the NC giver doesn't. You can see why it is frustrating me!
  7. The first thing I do when scripts aren't working as expected is stick in llOwnerSay everywhere to see what's happening and what's not.. That might cast some light on it. I am ashamed to say I have no idea how to do that. I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to scripting. Most of my scripts are simply copy/pasted or bought pre-made. This particular script works fine elsewhere, so I am sure it is fine. How would I go about doing as you suggest?
  8. It doesn't work for me, nor for anyone else who has tried to use it. And I have tried it in several locations in the store, on several floors. I've tried it all over the surrounding region, for that matter, and I get the same result.
  9. I am having a strange and very frustrating problem. I have created a basic notecard giver. Simple single prim object. One notecard inside, Copy/Transfer/No Mod. The script is the very basic, generic Notecard giving script. I have used this type of object many times before. I tested this specific object on several different sims, including my home, sandboxes, and general public areas that permit rezzing. And it worked perfectly. However, when I put it into my store, which is where I want it to be, it doesn;t work. The object obviously knows it is meant to be touched, as my cursor hand appears. But clicking, or selecting Touch from the radial menu, result in nothing. Nada. Zip. No response at all. My partner made an object using the identical script, same object settings, and same notecard. It works perfectly. Other scripts I have put into items (such as an object that plays scripted music as a Demo, and an object that lists the URL of my business website in chat) all work perfectly. But any object I create and use with a script to give an item fails. The land owner has been through the settings and can see absolutely no reason why I should be having this problem. My settings and permissions are identical to my partner, who has no problems. Can anyone make any suggestions? The script is definitely right, and set to run, as it works everywhere else I try it. Why is it that my scripts don't work in this one location? It's driving me nuts, and if I can't use these basic scripts in my own store, it is going to be a major drawback and seriously impact my business. Any thoughts appreciated! Rufus
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