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Amber Murfin

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Everything posted by Amber Murfin

  1. Yes, we have a FULL HOMESTEAD SIM available for rent here in Trade Winds for those of you who want a little extra space to build something special. Trade Winds is an extension of the history of Second Life 18th Century Navy, Pirate, and Native living. (with some exceptions, that help us keep these regions alive and active). We hold regular battles and other events, and are an active Estate, we have both US and EU people so we are active at all times. Roll play is encouraged but not required. Terraforming must encourage sailing. Consult the winds. There are people here that can assist you, We have several very experienced builders here. All build must be 1700s (18th century) oriented and coastal in style. We do require that you keep 900 to 1000 prims free to allow for sailing. Rent is $L8000 a week (minimum of 2 weeks required at a time, but we prefer a month paid in advance) payable direct to the Rental meter. This estate was recently featured on Designing Worlds. (Designing Worlds - Trade winds Feature). If you are interested, feel free to contact Amber Murfin (Mostly UK times) and I will reply as soon as possible (i'm around most UK Evenings and will respond as soon as i can, Notecards preferred as my IM's get capped very frequently). Landmark to the Sim Amber Murfin
  2. Yes, we have a FULL HOMESTEAD SIM available for rent here in Trade Winds for those of you who want a little extra space to build something special. Trade Winds is an extension of the history of Second Life 18th Century Navy, Pirate, and Native living. (with some exceptions, that help us keep these regions alive and active). We hold regular battles and other events, and are an active Estate, we have both US and EU people so we are active at all times. Roll play is encouraged but not required. Terraforming must encourage sailing. Consult the winds. There are people here that can assist you, We have several very experienced builders here. All build must be 1700s (18th century) oriented and coastal in style. We do require that you keep 900 to 1000 prims free to allow for sailing. Rent is $L8000 a week (minimum of 2 weeks required at a time, but we prefer a month paid in advance) payable direct to the Rental meter. This estate was recently featured on Designing Worlds. (Designing Worlds - Trade winds Feature). If you are interested, feel free to contact Amber Murfin (Mostly UK times) and I will reply as soon as possible (i'm around most UK Evenings and will respond as soon as i can, Notecards preferred as my IM's get capped very frequently). Landmark to the Sim Amber Murfin
  3. @maestro. Can i just say, SVC-8130 (and my BUG-2951 with more information) Appears to be fixed as well. I need to do a bit more testing to fully confirm this, but when in Following Seas, i can see all the sims i was previously having trouble with. Thankyou
  4. Maestro Linden wrote: Okay, then it sounds like you're seeing SVC-8130 after all, which has not been fixed with this RC update. After a lot of testing i have filed "BUG-2951 - Some regions not visible from other reasons despite being within Draw distance" which contains all my findings. I apprecaiate it is a long bug report but it is as comprehensive as i can be....
  5. @ Triple Peccable. That's pretty much as i recall it. I appreciate this is not maby the correct forum to raise this in (i will try and make the Meeting tomorrow) but is there an update on this at all as it has been going on a fair while now?
  6. Maestro Linden wrote: That case you describe could be the same bug, or could be a different bug, such as SVC-8130. One way to investigate is to note whether the disconnect is due to a breakdown in simulator<>simulator communication between neighboring regions, or just an issue with viewer<>simulator communication. In the latter case, scripted objects in neighboring regions should be able to hear each other's chat when within range. I can confirm that it doesn't matter which viewer i use, Looking from Following Seas into Cursed Rock as an example, i can't see the sim. I have tried Firestorm 4.4.0, the Materials Beta Viewer and have just installed and tested the Curent SL release viewer as well. Scripted objects can communicate accross the border fine, you can sail or walk into the region fine, and infact if i walk west into Sabres Edge, the sim appears both on the mini map and in the main viewer screen (Although Cartagena Isle then dissappears instantly). When i cross back east again (Back into following Seas), The Region stays rezed, although you'll sometimes stop seeing other objects or ships move if there are any in the region (may or may not be related), but after around 60 seconds or so the sim vanishes again... I was hoping this was the fix being deployed when i first spotted it last week, unfortunatly, it is not all diagonal regions that are affected it seems, and i do not sail enough in any estates to accuratly tell if the version that rolls today fixes the issue or not (all the sims above are Main Server channel sims), although i will experiment and see if i can replicate this issue looking into (or out off) any RC sims.
  7. Maestro Linden wrote: Hi Amber, the original bug in this particular case is that regions wouldn't communicate with their neighbors for up to an hour after a region restart, causing neighboring regions to be invisible and also block things like LSL chat across sim borders. With the fix, the hope is that regions should reconnect to each other after a few minutes of a region restart. Thanks Maestro, I appreciate you may not know, but Regions appearing as red on the minimap, and not being visible in world, then being visible when you change sim bug that's been ongoing for a number of months (I don't have the Jira reference i'm afraid), is there an ETA for that at all? I seem to remember it got better for a week or 2 after some re-organisation at the network end but in recent weeks and month shad got worse again. it is highly frustrating when trying to run battles accross multiple sims and it seems to have been with us for quite a while now... When in the Region Following Seas for example, it is incredibly rare i will be able to see into Cursed Rock, despite being able to see sims around / beyond it. Sometimes when First TP'ing in you will see it, but it eventually vanishes after around a minuite or so.
  8. I notice this in the release notes for the RC channels... Neighboring regions should now appear to the viewer sooner after a region restart (SVC-8019[c])Just so we know what we are expecting, is this a complete fix for the regions appearing to be off line on the mini map even though they are back up and running after a re-start? are we able to define "Sooner" is that an hour, a day? This has been one of the most frustrating bugs in the Fighting sail community as some sims stay affected and only (sometimes) appear correctly on Monday only to be restarted on Tuesday and be back to square one again! as i'm sure you can understand, being hit by ships / people in sims you can't even see is preventing many people from having as much fun as they would otherwise have. any information about what we should be able to expect to see would be greatly appreciated, and i'll be keeping a close eye on it Amber
  9. I can confirm, the missing prims I posted above are a mixture of all 3 physics types (None, Convex Hull and Prim) Edit to add, this is some of the Best sim crossing I have ever seen in SL for sailing. Thank you
  10. The missing prim problem. This is just my impression, but I always thought this looked like a bug to do with the viewer fetching things from the cache. When I clear the cache and first login it doesn't seem to be a problem, in fact 99% of the time it renders correctly, However when I tp out, then back in (and it gets lots of hits from the cache I presume) I will get something like this (part of 2 link sets have failed to render) ... With Render Metadata on it looks a mess but it looks like the viewer is aware of them all. "When I typically select a non-moving object, I see a single blue particle from my avatar when I select it, but only see a blue particle from the selected object when I release selection. Is this what you see, or did you also see an update coming out of the object when you begin to select it?" That is exactly what I see, I right click, get a blue particle from me, then when I release focus on the object I get a blue spark from the object. I have tested this in Firestorm and the current release of the LL viewer and they both appear to react the same. But given when you TP in with a clear cache, I would suggest this is specifically a Viewer Cache related issue.
  11. If i understand BUG-1814 correctly (which is not easy given that i can't see it!), i have been seeing this intermittantly for a few weeks with my ships (No more than 8m/s) From my experience it does seem to be related to connection quality some how, although i can't tell if i it's dropped packet or ping related (My ping is usually between 170 and 250 from here in the uk). I would happily provide a retail version of one of my complex scripted ships to You / Andrew to use for testing if that will help. They have several scripts to controll cannon firing / damage / sailing etc, however i have experienced these / similar problems at very slow speeds, sometimes it takes 10 or so region crossings, sometimes only 4, If the Gods are with me, sometimes i can sail for over an hour which is what lead me to believe it was something to do with my connection quality. If a copy of a ship would help, just leave a message here or an IM in world and i'll send a copy over asap. Amber
  12. Edit again to say, i thought i was seeing a strange script error since the roll out today, but although i saw it in several main channel sims before i reported it, upon more testing the error has stopped occuring so i'm going to cary out more testing and see what happens.
  13. I have also, over the last month or 2 been seeing strange script behaviour. I'm a scripter / builder that builds fighting sail ships. A few times i've had to completly delete a script from an object and drop a totally fresh copy because it either fails to display the script when you edit it or won't compile. Also, After region crossings, i've had several people reporting problems with the ships generating an animation permissions error despite there being a call to llGetPermissions() immediatly before every llStartAnimation command and llStopAnimation command.. It's not consistant, and only a few people have been affected, and that's despite the script skipping all animation supdates for 3 seconds after a region crossing. I haven't been able to re-create any of the slightly odd script behaviour consistantly so i feel filing a JIRA would be useless as it would get closed with an unable to re-create message, but i definatly feel something is going on. Hopefully with enough people talking togeather about it we'll be able to pin down what's happening, whether it's a strange server / asset server problem or an LSL bug somewhere, or even our scripting that's at fault! Amber
  14. Thank you Oskar for keepin us updated and monitoring the problems so things can get resolved as quickly as possible. It's much appreciated.:womanhappy:
  15. Hi, When Toshimora came back up there was a message that 8 items were returned to my lost and found folder. It looks like a few vendors were returned. The msssage said they were returned because the parcel was full. I re-rezzed everything, and the prim count is 82 prims on the whole parcel (according to the parcel details), so even though it's only a 512 parcel i didn't go over my prim limit. Fortunatly, i only really use it as a location to hold a backup vendor server so it's not caused any real problems. Details Below You are at 285,209.0, 278,923.0, 3,457.3 in Toshimora located at sim8964.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life RC LeTigre Error fetching server release notes URL. CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 925 Processor (2812.85 MHz) Memory: 4096 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Edit to add, i also appear to be seeing some strange script behaviour. I have a door script that opened but now won't close, and a vendor that won't open it's menu so i can re-start it.
  16. Oskar, It looks like the Sim visability bug is back. I could only see certian Sims in the Fair Winds Estate and some would come and go as i changed region. They all appear to be in teh same Server version (Main Channel). The lag is much improved though, thankyou Amber https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-134 Edit to say this is after the 2nd restart on the sims...
  17. My main av only ever has 1 or 2 scripts running at any time, an AO / or teh firestorm bridge (Depending on the viewer) and 1 other somewhere (Depending on how lazy i've been de-scripting things!), My test alt often uses the same so i suppose this could be a problem that something specific is interfearing, but it's be strange if it was interfearing with a vehicle script? I have run all these tests on my test alt with all the combat metres, weapons etc attached as well, but still no problems. At the moment i'm strugling to find anything that can link the various incidents, although i keep looking. People keep asking if it could be a permissions thing, but my test alt has no special permissions and should be the same as anyone else. i'm asuming that as i havn't noticed anyone else jumping up and down that no one else is either having problems, or has found anything. I suppose there must be something script related...
  18. Hi, thank you for the replies. I'll explaing the setup a little better here. There are 3 versions of the script. V1) This is all in 1 script, it functions normally with no problems exactly as expected (It's besed on the tako scripts merged into 1 with extra events and functions added to deal with collisions / combat etc). V2) This is the same as V1 but with a function to repair the ship and a couple of very minor changes. V3) this is the V2 script split back into the seperate scripts. all 3 scripts use a global variable which is set on rex to avoid using the llGetOwner() command, the script actually skips a full update cycle after every region crossing (So the ship will wait a minimum of 1.5 seconds after a crossign before doing anything). With the Catcrossings i asume the ship is being handed off from region 2 to region 3 before it's actually completed handing over from region 1 which is causing the script to crash server side, as no matter how many tiomes you click yes to grant control permissions it stilla skes you again (And you never gain back control). This bug (i asume it's a server bug?) it presumable there all teh time but it's only evident from teh slightly larger script size (and memory requirements). At teh end of the day, these types of crossings have always been hit and miss to an extent with vehicled so it's no great supprise, and most people would avoid trying to cross diagonally accross a region corner. what really puzzles me is things like the Kedge command, which will function perfectly for me, and my testing alt (with no special edit perms granted), but in the same sim someone else will consistantly have problems. (It uses a call to get the ground speed and if it's more than 1.5m/s you can't kedge, for some this wlll let you kedge when the sails are down and drifting). That function is identical, line for line from the V1 script and there seems to be no consistancy with how it fails. I'm wondering if there is a point at which these large mono scripts become "Unstable" in vehicles (It is about 1500 lines of code with many global variables) although it only ever uses about 2/3 of the theoretical memory available, and has no lists that could be causing it to overflow. The sims these are often used in are openspace sims so i don't know if this makes a diference, but they are reasonably lightley loaded when this testing has been going on with only 2 or 3 avatars in. I may raise a JIRA regarding the region crossings, although i expect it's about as likley to get fixed as the animation permissions after region crossings which has been around forever... Amber
  19. Hi, I've created a set of scripts for Fighting sail ships, i've even released one that appears to not suffer any problems. However after adding a few new functions into the core script i have been experiencing several strange things happening. These have been happening in functions that i havn't altered since my successfull ship release. At this stage i'll point out that i personally havn't experienced these problems, but several people i sent beta versions to have (While some have had no problems with the same ship). For example the ship would kedge (a way to turn a few degrees if you are stuck in the irons) at any speed with the sails down (drifting) for 1 person but not another (how it should work). Also som epeople have experienved an animation from a child prim being played when sat on the root prim instead of the captain animation. Secondly, this ship, if you attempt a cat crossing (a diagonal crossing accross sims) it fails about 80% of the time (But not in the ship i've released with a very similar code base). When the crossing fails, you appear to be sat on the ship, but the control permissions get released and you get spammed with windows requesting them, clicking yes or no has no effect and the only option is to re-log, at which point you appear at 0,0,0 in one of the 3 sims involved in the crossing and the hull of the ship drifts on untill it hits something (And continues to spam you asking for permissions) I was wondering if anyone else had experienced problems with large mono compiled scripts and possibly region crossings? The offending script is about 1500 lines of code and only uses about 2/3 of the available memory so should not cause problems like that. If i seperate the 1 script into 2 the region crossing problem goes away (You just very occasionally get un seated which has always happened but you don't get spammed with the permission requests) My curent theory is that on region crossings maby the script is getting corrupted some how causing odd problems, but as yet, other than seperating it into 2 scripts (with the exact same code just several llMessagedLinked calls to transfer data) i havn't been able to find the issue. The problem with the 2 script solution is that it uses more script time to execute and has a higher memory requirement which is what i was trying to avoid, although it looks like i'm going to have to go down that road. The only reason i havn't filed a Jira is because i have as yes, not been able to replicate reliabley all these issues or pin down any reason for the problems.
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