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achem Serenity

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Everything posted by achem Serenity

  1. Thanks for the link but it is not working. I am trying to get this url to play in SL: http://tunein.com/radio/Power-FM-1061-s54047/ Can you show me how to convert. It cannot play as is.
  2. How can I convert a text URL to be played in SL. For example – http://gold.slserver.com:8000 to
  3. Two 512 sq.m. parcels for sale in busy adult region with good traffic around. Many visitors guaranteed for builds on these parcels. Can be bought individually or together. Price negotiable. Contact Achem Serenity inworld for further details.
  4. Hi, I'd like to give up my SL home and have that free allocation of 512 sq.m. go towards a mainland parcel instead. How do I do this? Achem
  5. Thanks for your help. I never tried scripting before, so I don't know how to fit the script into the already exisintg script with the brackets and title. Can you show me how to fit this into the existing script.
  6. Thanks Can you please show me how to change the option buttons for payment to 50, 100, 150, 200?
  7. Thanks for your response. This is the script: integer pot; integer amount; integer total; key tid; string ownername; init() { ownername = llKey2Name( llGetOwner()); llSetText( "Tips",<0,1,0>,1); llOwnerSay ( "Tip jar for " + ownername + " ready..." ); } default { state_entry() { init(); } on_rez( integer param ) { init(); } touch_start( integer num ) { llInstantMessage( llDetectedKey(0),"Leave a Tip if you enjoyed"); } money( key id, integer payment ) { amount = payment; tid = id; llRequestAgentData( id, DATA_NAME ); } dataserver( key query, string name ) { llSay( 0, name + " tips " + ownername + " " + (string)amount + "Lindens"); llSay( 0, "Thanks " + llGetSubString( name, 0, llSubStringIndex( name, " " )) ); llInstantMessage( tid, "Thanks for your Tip " + llGetSubString( name, 0, llSubStringIndex( name, " " ))); if ( llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_SOUND ) > 0 ) { llPlaySound( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_SOUND, 0 ),1 ); } if ( llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_TEXTURE ) > 0 ) { llGiveInventory( tid,llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_TEXTURE,0 )); } } }
  8. Can anyone help me with a script for the payment buttons and options that pop up when paying a Tip Jar?
  9. Anyway, I think LL was brilliant in how it was able to restructure this blog to get rid of such people who have now moved on to well known third party blogs on SL and virtual worlds.
  10. I was going to say that SL's user base is the most negative group that I've ever come across but that would be unfair since most users probably just keep enjoying SL and ignore web blog postings and comments. The truth is that negative people tend to be the loudest, both in SL and RL. I think someone said it before but I'll say it again, these people who comment on forums and blogs in a perpetually negative vein appear to have deap-seated psychological issues. I am saying this because everytime that SL develops something new the reaction is always predictably negative from these bloggers and commentators. Why don't they find a new virtual world or do something more satisfying with their time?
  11. I think it's great. There is a very important feature that no one else anywhere has mentioned. This place is low lag and rezzes fast. I've been having problems with rezzing and lag recently, things stay grey a long time in most sims. However, in this area everything rezzed in 30 seconds. This definitely adds value to my premium membership and I hope that SL creates more of these areas.
  12. Hi, I would like to make a suggestion to Linden Labs to create community centres with a pool, games, and where live performances could be kept etc. in the Linden Homes area as a place where avatars could soicialize, especially in the suburbia themed area. Presently there are lots of houses and everyone stays in them. Maybe not many people would go to the community centres at first but I think it would catch on eventually. It would also make the Linden Homes area more appealing to premium members most of whom do not really spend much time in the Linden Homes.
  13. For clarification, this is about the Linden Homes area which has specific regulations governing appearance.
  14. Hi, Where and to whom can I report a Linden Land TOS violation? Someone has put up a huge poster above his/her house and ruined my view.
  15. Hi, I bought the following script: default { touch_start(integer total_number) //has to give something on touch, so. { integer content = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT); //this is the thing we're giving away. float rand = llFrand(content); //generates the random number. llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, (integer)rand)); //give random object to the person. } } However, it works for me, the owner, but when other people touch the object nothing happens. Can anyone tell me what's the problem with the script?
  16. Is it possible to put a url for music in Linden Home land. I just got a Linden Home and I don't see how it is possible. The house takes up all the land, and even when I go below the house to select the land, it doesn't show as mine. The silence is too much. I need music.
  17. 1024 sqm for sale in private estate, beach front 234 prims 1,600 Lindens Contact me in world for sale
  18. 1024 sqm for sale in mainland for 8,000 Lindens 234 prims Contact me in world to buy.
  19. Hi, I am looking for a 512m parcel in an Adult region.
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