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Posts posted by AnthonyFraser

  1. Bring Back Last Names!.png

    I remember i made this sign a couple months ago, for people to show some protest. But only a few people wanted it.

    That's what i love about americans: In RL they show great unity, and they can protest... watch out! And they won't give up until they get what they want.

    But in SL? Forget it!  Unity? Uncle Who? Land of the free? yeah right. One click and people are either blocked or banned.

    Don't get me wrong, but its true. SL is so much different from RL. And i don't think that last names will be coming back either because many people dont want to pick a last name they dont really like.

    I wouldn't want a prefixed last name either, but i'd rather be able to make up my own (and without the Resident). Look at other worlds like Inworlds, you can make up your own first and last name there. I think thats better.

  2. I ask myself why we keep discussing? I have read lots of comments, but nobody can actually do anything but discuss.

    So i would suggest we show them some "Unity" and put up signs (maybe a picture with Uncle Sam, saying "Bring Back Last Names!")

    And put up signs and flags and T-Shirts, like the protesters do in RL. Show them that we are SL and we are unite.

    Maybe walk across the mainland with signs allover so they can see that we dont give up...

    But we need to do something so they can hear us.


  3. Man kann sich auch als Notlösung selbst einen Nachnamen geben. Mein Username ist AnthonyFraser und ich hab den DN dann als "Anthony Fraser" eingestellt. Das ist aber nur eine Notlösung weil man sieht mich auf dem Radar immer noch als "AnthonyFraser Resident".

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