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Posts posted by Lionblaze44

  1. Sorry to ask yet another ao question but I am rather confused. 


    The ao that I have for one of my avatar's idle position is rather still, so I want to add some looking animations to the AO without messing up the pose that the ao puts my avatar in. How would I do that? What would I categorize the look animations under?


    If I were to use a self-learning ao where I just drag the animations into it and I pick which animation is which, what would I put the looking animations under? Please someone help! :(



  2. I am creating this avatar here in this linked picture. Now everything would be great, but the Animation override doesn't really cut it for me with the lack of head animations, so I am trying to add some head tilt/turn aimations to the ao, but I am not entirely sure how to do that. Can someone please help me with this?


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