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Marcury Jie

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Everything posted by Marcury Jie

  1. Howdy, again. I'm trying to group own, my currently owned mainland, with a few of my alts that have premium membership to use their land bonus. Can you just tell me if what I'm about to do is wrong? On my main account, the one who already owns the land, I right click the land, click set and select my group, check Allow Deed to group and Owner makes contribution with Deed, then click Deed. This is me contributing my 1024M²? Then I set up my alts and get them to donate their 1024M² allowances. What happens next? Do I have to manually adjust my tier settings in my account or is it done automatically? I'm hoping that might be it. Sorry to be asking what might seem like simple questions but I haven't done this before and don't want to... well you know what Rupaul says?... Once again, thanks for your knowledge.
  2. Thanks for the reply MIss Jewell, your maths was pretty much what I came up with as well. It's actually interesting looking at it like this, it makes Premium seem quite good value, especially with the new land bonus. It's also good to see someone who's done exactly what it is I am thinking of doing, makes me feel a lot less hesitant. In fact, I think I'll create 3 alts all with premium, which will bring my annual fees to $288 but that will give me access to 4505M², which will allow me to keep my full parcel of 4368M². With 4 lots of stipend, that should be about $250, making my premium fees only about $40, I know I haven't factored in little bits of commission but as a general that should be about it. Considering I was paying $388.80 for the same parcel, to bring it down to $40 will be monumental for me. Would it be ok to contact you directly if I get stuck with any of the logistics? I hope I'll be ok with it but if there are any things that confuse me, it would be nice to talk to someone who knows what they're doing. Thanks once again one and all.
  3. Hi Lillith again, you answered me the other day. I've just checked my paypal account and I only paid $72 for my membership, no VAT. I can't seem to find anything saying that premium membership is subject to VAT, if you know otherwise, I'd appreciate hearing it as this will dent my plans substantially. ... and once again thanks for your help in replying, as with Ethan
  4. Hi all, I own a nice piece of the mainland with unblockable views and beach access, I like it. The parcel is 4368M² with 1500 land impact and I am paying the US$22 a month tier, I'm a Europen resident, so I also pay VAT on this, making it about $26.40 a month, plus I pay premium membership of $72 annually. This is currently $388.80 a year. ouch right? I have looked at selling it and renting somewhere else, I have looked at selling parts of it to make my tier smaller. My latest thought is to create 2 alts with premium membership, therefore paying $72 x 3 = $216 annually. With myself and the 2 alts forming a group and each contributing our premium bonus of 1024M², making it 3072M² plus the 10% group land bonus, I should end up with 3379M². With myself and the 2 alts receiving our weekly L$300 stipend, making it L$900 a week, this should be L$46,800 per year, which translates roughly to US$187 which can go towards paying my premium membership. Obviously I'd sell off or abandon the 989M² excess land I'd need to get rid of to achieve these numbers. Here's where you come in. Am I right in thinking all of this? I don't think I do, but do I pay VAT on premium membership? Can I create 2 alts and do this? would they get the L$300 weekly stipend like I'm assuming? Am I breaking any rules? What should I look out for? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my reasoning and also thoughts on what you might do instead. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi Lillith, thanks so much for your very lengthy reply on my rather ambiguous post. I've found out a couple of things, I do own the land and it is mainland, I'm paying the US $22 tier per month for 4096M². Your rental option intrigues me but I'm going to have to question you on certain aspects that you mentioned. As I've said, I've never done anything like this before, so it's going to be baby steps I'm afraid. I do own a group, so I can deed the land to the group. Am I subdividing the land and deeding the 1024M² to the group? There are two checkboxes, one is... Allow deed to group, the other is... Owner makes contribution with deed, do I check one or both? You then talk of renting the remaining tier from a third party. When you say tier, do you mean the land? and who is this 3rd party? Very sorry I'm so stupid about this but it is all very new to me. Thanks once again
  6. Hi all, my first post here, so go easy on me, please. I own a piece of the mainland with waterfront access, an unhindered sunrise view and just to the side is a little corner of Linden land which can't be built on, so the views are great. It's 4096M² with 1500 prims. I'm tired of paying so much for my tier, which is L$1595 a week, as I spend most of my time in my sandbox above my plot. Having looked around at renting, I can get a skybox with a decent prim allowance pretty cheap but it's an anti-social ball in the air and I feel I'm anti-social enough plus I'd miss my great view that I do look at occasionally. I thought of selling, then of subdividing and selling but am now thinking of subdividing and renting. I have never done anything like this! I need your advice please, I'd be happy to split down the middle so we both have beach access, do I split the prims down the middle and if so how? I wouldn't want to go to less than 750 prims myself. What would you charge for this? 2048M², beach access, 750 prims-ish. I'm uncomfortable being a landlord and I'm not in this to make money but to cover some of my costs. Also would you advise getting a letting device to collect rent or to just have an arrangement with my tenant? Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks
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