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  1. & when I say Twit i mean twitterish sharing in and around SL In Twitter you can follow someone. If they don't want you to they can then block you. In either case both of you already chose to be in Twitter. LL decided that for your SL twitterish experience everyone will 'be in Twitter.' You can try to avoid it. Mostly you can avoid it. You're still in it regardless. This account only exists to do some twitterish testing. It's on the road to cancellation so I've only got today to post this. Here's my parting issue with twitterism in SL: The latest revisions obscure the following/not-following status of your friends. You can still tell which friends you are following. You can still elect to stop following or re-follow your friends. You can no longer tell if your friends are following you. That is until you un-friend them. Then you automatically stop following them if you were. They continue to follow you if they were. So now your ex-friend has a little reminder that you dumped them. Way to go LL.
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