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Everything posted by Jalida

  1. I keep a second bank account that I use only for online purchases and hooked up to my pay pal account and I suggest to all my friends that have questioned me about paypal to do the same. I won't bother to go into details about it here, but my partner's Sister works for Paypal (unless I'm wrong, she's the head of HR), and told me why it's a good idea to keep a second bank account just for paypal, I concur with her fully on the subject. While probably (made up percentage coming your way) 99.99% of paypal users have no issues, why in the world would anybody give paypal or any other company access to their real life bank account with all their hard earned savings in it? It's best to just keep a throw away checking account that costs you maybe $5.00 a month to keep and only put money in that account as needed to make your online purchases. I use paypal to accept donations on one of my websites, and I've now learned to clear the money out of paypal every so often, as they are not inpenetrable... I had somebody hack my account (even with a 26 alphanumeric and odd characters thrown in) somehow using my password as mentioned prior and charge out $100.00 to it. Of course I noticed it right away since Paypal send a notice on every purchase and I called the fraud dept who put my account on hold until I could change the password. But still.... A 26 alpha numeric password and it was hacked? The only place it was written down was on a card in my wallet, so either the hacker got damn lucky or the hacker found some loophole at paypal to exploit. In all fairness however, that was the only problem I've personally ever had with paypal. And it was resolved to my satisfaction in just a few days. Take it for what you will.
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