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  1. I have a vista overrider animation...Had it for a long time. Today it won't offer me the option to wear or add when I click on it in inventory. I thought it might just be old so bought two inexpensive ones to try out, but they don't offer me the option to wear or add either...What's up? Is it vista or do I have a real problem. I'm walking around like a noob...yikes!! Please help..please.
  2. I have a vista overrider animation...Had it for a long time. Today it won't offer me the option to wear or add when I click on it in inventory. I thought it might just be old so bought two inexpensive ones to try out, but they don't offer me the option to wear or add either...What's up? Is it vista or do I have a real problem. I'm walking around like a noob...yikes!! Please help..please.
  3. I have a vista overrider animation...Had it for a long time. Today it won't offer me the option to wear or add when I click on it in inventory. I thought it might just be old so bought two inexpensive ones to try out, but they don't offer me the option to wear or add either...What's up? Is it vista or do I have a real problem. I'm walking around like a noob...yikes!! Please help..please.
  4. TurtleBeing

    cannot login

    I cannot log in to two of my three accts. I've tried several times at different login locations...keeps saying...''dispite our best efforts....'' login fails....Help please. Just odd that I can log in to one of them but not the other two... yes, it sticks on adding friends list on both accts... thank you...I will file a report/complaint
  5. I've tried logging in to several different locations including smith...no luck...just odd that on of my accts allows me log in...
  6. I can't login on two of my three accts. Keeps saying despite our best efforts...blah, blah, blah....help please....
  7. How do I get my Damani media player to work at my Linden Home....? Please pretend I know absolutely nothing tekie, because I don't..Give me step by step? Please. And if I'm still having trouble how do I reach live chat? thanks in advance
  8. one...I can't teleport from any location to another...I get booted every time...what has happened?
  9. and geez...when I try to teleport I get boot out of SL...Secondlife hates me today...sigh...HELP please
  10. and more...this is real odd...all of my groups have disappeared and the names of my contacts don't show....they are still there but the names are missing.
  11. so we never log into home again because of a glitch in the handshake...mine does it too...on both Firestorm and Singularity...and my clothes won't go on my body if I'm at home...other sims they will...Everything was fine yesterday.. Any help would be greatly appreciated... thanks in advance
  12. Hi...I'm not a teckie at all...but wanted to share that I had the same problem on an older laptop with all viewers except Phoenix...everything was hot pink an anyother viewer. The old laptops game card thing just wasn't powerful enough. I'm using singularity no too and having problems with my inventory loading...it just keeps trying..any help would be appreiciated... Thanks
  13. TurtleBeing


    I see...the alpha from the shoes has disappeared when I added the one for the dress...I think I checked that to see if it was the case, but maybe not...I try it and let you know...thanks...
  14. TurtleBeing


    When I wear a mesh dress with an alpha and then add shoes, my feet stick straight out of the them...?? But the dress still looks fine...What am I doing wrong...this has happened with more than one dress. thanks in advance...
  15. Can someone please direct me to good and simple and clear directon on how to tint walls...? Thanks in advance... :-)
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