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Mesa Darkfold

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Everything posted by Mesa Darkfold

  1. oh YEAH! Its finally listed. Guess what ? I've Added a name and description to my land under the "about land" General tab inWorld. I think the event calandar is unable to work since it dosent find a suitable parcel name to list in the scroll menu. Thanks for your help Charolotte!
  2. You may post an event on a parcel if: You personally own the parcel and it is at least 512 square meters in sizeYes, it's a 2048! The parcel is owned by a group that you are an owner of, or that you have the 'host events' ability for, and is at least 512 square meters.I've set the land to my group, i created a role with the host events ability. The parcel is in a private island that you are on the access list of, and is at least 512 square meters.yah it's on a private island ! The parcel is set as a Linden place and to show in the Search.that is kinda lame but yea i do have checked this option to "show in the search" for 30L/week , it didnt charged my accout yet and it won't let me choose "linden place" though. So I've set the parcel to show as a "hangnout". The parcel belongs to a friend, it is set to show in Search Places as a Hangout, and is at least 512 sqWe even tried this one, i sold my parcel to a friend. and là là là ^^ won''t work! oh man, what i am doing wrong, or not doing at all ? mesa
  3. I wish i could be able to create an event for the new year yes the location dropdown menu never show my land ! mesa
  4. Hello Everyone. What I did so far : - bought a lad on a private island (ie not mainland) - Put the land in search under hangout place - tried to create a role under my group to create events - Set the land to group - Tries to follow various How to POsted here and there I never got to see my place in the event scroll down menu. Only Linden places. I've tried various combinasions and everthing, I tried not to have the land set to a group. Argh. Nothing works. Wtf ? Someone is an expert at this matter ? Thanks, Mesa :)
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